How can I unaward a tender or contract in Portfolio Financials?
This information is intended for accounts with
Portfolio Financials product in Procore. Please reach out to your Procore point of contact for more information.
After you have awarded a tender, it is still possible to unaward the tender and the contract in Portfolio Financials. While doable, the process is not recommended and requires several conditions to be met before you can unaward. It is highly encouraged that you thoroughly review your tenders and contracts before awarding them.
In addition, it is highly recommended that you communicate with your vendor before unawarding the contract, as the unawarding process will revoke access and could result in some confusion for your vendor.
You CANNOT unaward a tender or contract if:
- There are invoices or change orders on the contract.
- The contract has been shared with your vendor.
- Your organization's settings forTender the editing of contracts.
- The tender, contract, invoices or change orders passed through an approval workflow.
If any approvals were involved in this tender or contract, please consult with your Procore point of contact. You will not be able to unaward anything that has gone through an approval workflow without input from stakeholders at your organization who set the parameters for the approval workflows and the assistance of the Procore Customer Success team.
Follow the steps below:
Step 1: Remove All Invoices and Change Orders
Before you can unaward a tender and contract, all existing invoices and change orders must be deleted from the contract room.
If invoices or change orders are deleted, there will be NO RECORD of their removal and any attached documents will be permanently lost.
To delete an invoice:
- Navigate to the Contract Room.
- Click Invoices.
- Click on the invoice you want to delete.
- Click the vertical ellipsis menu and click Delete.
- Click Delete again to confirm.
To delete a change order:
- Navigate to the Contract Room.
- Click Change Orders.
- Click on the change order you want to delete.
- Click the vertical ellipsis menu and click Delete.
- Click Delete again to confirm.
Step 2: Unshare the Contract with the Vendor
The next step is to revoke your vendor's access to the Contract Room.
To unshare the contract with your vendor:
- Navigate to the Contract Room.
- Click Contract.
- Click Unshare under 'Sharing Status'.
- Click Unshare again to confirm.
Step 3: Unaward the Contract
To unaward the contract:
- Navigate to the Contract Room.
- Click Contract.
- Click the vertical ellipsis menu and click Edit.
- Click Unaward under the vendor's name.
- Click Unaward to confirm. This step will revert your contract room into a tender room.
Unawarding can take up to a minute. Click the button only once to prevent any errors from occurring.
Step 4: Deselect the Tenderer
After you have unawarded the contract, your Contract Room will be reverted back to a Tender Room with the previously awarded tenderer selected.
To deselect a tenderer that you have already selected:
- Navigate to the Tender Room where the tenderer is selected.
- Click the vertical ellipsis menu and click Deselect Tenderer.