How do I configure user permissions for multi-tier approvals with timekeeping?


For companies using Procore's timekeeping tools, your team can incorporate a multi-tier approval process to review, approve, and mark timesheets completed. This allows your team to track and manage your timekeeping records throughout the approval process. 


If you plan to use Procore's multi-tier approvals with the timekeeping tools, it helps to understand how to configure user permissions for the team members who will be creating, editing, reviewing, approving, and marking timesheets completed. 


Because every construction company is different, the team members you choose to carry out your timekeeping process may differ from the roles and considerations in this example:

  • Foremen, Superintendents, and other Supervisors. These are the team members who will create time card entries and timesheets on a project. At a minimum, you should provide these team members with 'Standard' level permissions on the Project level Timesheets tool. This allows them to create new timesheets in the 'Pending' status and change the status to 'Reviewed.' 
  • Project Managers and other Administrators or Executives. These are the team members who will approve 'Reviewed' timesheets before handing them off to your accounting/payroll team for processing. At a minimum, you should provide these team members with 'Admin' on the Project level Timesheets tool. However, if they are responsible for monitoring timekeeping on multiple projects, you may wish to also grant them 'Admin' level permissions on the Company level Timesheets tool or ‘Standard’ or ‘Read Only on the Project Level Timesheets tool with the 'Review & Edit Timesheets' granular permission enabled on the project's Timesheets tool on your project permission template.  
  • Accounting, Payroll, and other Administrators or Executives. These are the team members who will mark timesheets 'Completed.' This capability is only available in the Company level Timesheets tool, so you should assign these users 'Admin' level permissions on both the Project level Timesheets tool. This allows users to access the Company level Timesheets tool. It also allows users to see project data in the Company level tool.  

Available Status by User Permissions Level

Users are assigned permissions to the Company and Project level Timesheets tool using a permissions template. See What is a permissions template?

icon-mindtouch-table-check.png+ - Indicates that the task can be completed in the Project level Timesheets tool when the user is granted the correct granular permissions. See Grant Granular Permissions in a Permission Template.

tool-icon_timesheets_web-project-level.png - Indicates the status is available to users with the appropriate permissions on the Project level Timesheets tool.

tool-icon_timesheets_web-company-level.png - Indicates the status is available to users with the appropriate permissions on the Company level Timesheets tool. 

  Project Permissions Template 1
Available Status Read Only Standard Admin
tool-icon_timesheets_web-company-level.png tool-icon_timesheets_web-project-level.png Pending icon-mindtouch-table-check.png+ icon-mindtouch-table-check.png+ icon-mindtouch-table-check.png
tool-icon_timesheets_web-company-level.png tool-icon_timesheets_web-project-level.png Reviewed icon-mindtouch-table-check.png+ icon-mindtouch-table-check.png+ icon-mindtouch-table-check.png
tool-icon_timesheets_web-company-level.png tool-icon_timesheets_web-project-level.png Approved     icon-mindtouch-table-check.png
tool-icon_timesheets_web-company-level.png Completed     icon-mindtouch-table-check.png

1 Currently, granular permissions are not supported in Company Permissions Templates. However, permissions settings from Project Permissions Templates do have an effect on the tasks you can perform on timecard entries in the Company level Timesheets tool. 


See Also