What permissions do I need to add users to a Procore project?


In Procore, permissions to Project level tools are most effectively managed with permission templates (see Manage Permission Templates). In order to add new users to a Procore project, you have a few options for providing people with access permissions to add new users to a Procore project. The Workflow below describes the available options:

Option 1: 'Admin' Permission to the Project Directory

To have access to the ability to add or edit a new user in Procore, a user can be granted 'Admin' level permission to the Project level Directory tool. This provides the user with the access permission they need to perform all available actions in the Project Directory. This includes adding a new user to a project (see Add a User Account to the Project Directory), which includes assigning the new user a permission template to govern that user's access to the Procore tool's in that project (see Assign a Permission Template to a Project User).

For this option, you can assign the user to Procore's default 'Project Manager - Internal' template (see What are the default project permissions templates in Procore?), which satisfies the default requirement for adding users to a Procore project (i.e., 'Admin' level permission to the Project level Directory tool). 

AC Construction is a small construction firm. A Project Manager at AC is responsible for overseeing one (1) construction project and is using Procore's default 'Project Manager -Internal' permission template on the project. In its default state, this permission template provides the Project Manager with 'Admin' level permission to the project's Directory tool. This gives the manager the ability to add new users to the project and perform all other available Project Directory actions (for example, adding companies, removing companies, deactivating companies, adding project insurance for a company, and so on).

Option 2: 'Standard' + Granular Permission to the Project Directory

To provide a user with limited access to the Project Directory, while also providing that user with permission to add new users to a Procore project, the user must be granted 'Standard' level permission to the Project Directory and at least one of the available granular permission options related to adding users (i.e., 'Add From Company Directory (Assignable Permission Templates Only)' and/or 'Create and Edit Users'). See What is an assignable permissions template?
An example use case is detailed below. 

Nelson General Contractors (NGC) is a larger construction firm with numerous construction projects. Jill is a Senior Project Manager at NGC who is responsible for overseeing four (4) of her company's construction projects. As a Senior Project Manager, Jill's user profile in Procore's Company Directory has been associated with Procore's default 'Project Manager -Internal' permission template (see What is a permissions template?). This provides Jill with 'Admin' level permission to all of Project level tools that have been activated on her projects.

Because Jill is busy juggling the demands that come with managing multiple projects, she would like to delegate the task of adding new Procore user accounts to her Project Coordinator, Jack. In order to do this: 

  1. Jill would first create a new project permissions template named 'Project Coordinator - Internal' in the company's Permissions tool. See Create a Project Permissions Template.
  2. Next, when configuring the settings for her new permissions template, Jill would define access permissions to each Project level tool.
  3. Finally, when Jill defines the template's permissions for the Project level Directory tool, she would first enable the 'Standard' level permission and then enable one or both of these granular permissions for the Directory tool in the 'Project Coordinator - Internal' template:
  • Add from Company Directory (Assignable Permission Templates Only). Mark this checkbox to enable the 'Bulk Add from Co. Directory' button in the Project Directory tool. This provides the user(s) associated with this permission template with the ability to add one or more existing users from the Company Directory to a Project Directory. It also allows users to choose from these options at the time a user is added to a project: (1) Apply an assignable permission template to one or more users (if at least one template is specified), (2) Apply the default permission template to one or more users, and (3) Select the 'Do Not Apply a Permission Template' option. See Bulk Add Users and Companies to a Project Directory.

    • Users associated with this granular permission will neither be permitted to create new users in the Project Directory, nor edit users added to the Project Directory, including the users that they add to a project.
    • Users will also NOT be permitted to change permission template assignments after adding one or more users. 
  • Create and Edit Users. Mark this checkbox to enable the 'Add User' button in the Project Directory tool. This permission provides the user(s) associated with the permission template with the ability to create new users in the Project Directory and edit existing users in the Project Directory. It also allows users to choose from these options at the time a user is added to a project: (1) Apply an assignable permission template to one or more users (if at least one assignable template is specified), (2) Apply the default permission template to one or more users, and (3) Select the 'Do Not Apply a Permission Template' option. See  Add a User Account to the Project Directory and Edit a User Account in the Project Directory. Users will also have the ability to remove users from a project (Note: Users will NOT be permitted to change permission template assignments after adding one or more users). 

For step-by-step instructions detailing all of the available granular permission options, see Grant Granular Permissions in a Permission Template.

See Also