Add Visitors Entries (Android)

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To add Visitors entries to the Daily Log using the Procore app on an Android mobile device.

Things to Consider


  1. Open the Procore app on an Android mobile device and select a project.
    Note: This loads the Tools screen for the project.
  2. Tap the quick create icon-plus-quick-create-mobile2.png icon and select Visitor Entry.
    Tap the Daily Log tool. Tap the create icon-plus-quick-create-mobile2.png icon, then tap Visitor Entry.
  3. Tap into the following fields to enter the relevant information.
    • Visitor: Tap the Visitor field. Enter the visitor's name.
    • Start Time: Tap the Start Time field. Enter the starting time by selecting the hours and minutes from the menus.

    • End Time: Tap the End Time field. Enter the starting time by selecting the hours and minutes from the menus.

    • Comments: Enter any comments that may be needed to further describe the entry.


  4. Tap Create.

See Also