Search and Filter the Directory (iOS)

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To search and filter the project's Directory for a contact on an iOS mobile device.

Things to Consider


Search the Directory 

  1. Navigate to the Project level Directory tool using the Procore app on an iOS mobile device.
  2. Tap the Search bar to type a keyword or phrase matching your desired contact.
    Note: Procore will automatically return entries matching the search query.

  3. Tap a contact to view its details. 

Filter the Directory

  1. Navigate to the Project level Directory tool using the Procore app on an iOS mobile device.
  2. Tap one of the following tabs to filter your project's contacts:

    • Contacts: Tap this tab to view a list of the project's users organized alphabetically.
    • Companies: Tap this tab to view a list of the project's users organized by company.
    • Your Company: Tap this tab to view a list of all users in your company.