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Search for and Filter Documents in the Document Management Tool (iOS)

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regional availability
The Document Management tool is available in select countries. It is not yet available for Procore accounts in the United States. For more information, please reach out to your Procore point of contact.


To find documents in the Document Management tool on the Procore iOS app.

Things to Consider


A saved view is a saved set of search filters. Tapping on a saved view, such as 'Second Floor Drawings', gives you quick access to all documents meeting the saved view's search parameters. Saved views can only be created using the web version of Procore. 

Tapping on a saved view is quicker than applying a series of filters, but sometimes you may choose to apply temporary additional filters to find what you're looking for. This tutorial guides you through using search, filters, and sorting to find documents using your Procore mobile app.

2024-07-30_mobile saved views screen.png


  1. Open the Procore app on an iOS mobile device.
  2. Tap the project's Document Management tool.
  3. Use one of these methods to begin your search for a document:
    • Enter a search term into the Search icon-markup-search.png bar at the top of the screen. Matching results are automatically shown as you type. 
    • Tap on a saved view, which is a pre-set group of filters. For example, tap 'All Published Documents'.
      Note: You can use the search bar within a saved view to search that subset of documents. 
  4. To continue filtering or sorting your document list, refer to the following sections:

Find out what filters a saved view is using:

  1. Tap the info icon-info3.png icon to view a list of attributes (filters) used to create the collection.
    Note: Saved views must be created inside a collection, which has it's own saved filter set. A collection's filters limit the filtering possibilities of any saved view within it. For example, if a collection filters for drawings and specifications, a saved view within it cannot include photos, but it could include only specifications. 
  2. Additional filters used to create the saved view are listed under the search bar when in that saved view. Filter categories turn blue when enabled, and they display a number indicating how many filters in that category are used in the saved view.
    Note: Some saved views do not have additional filters beyond the collections filter set because they are presenting the entire collection, such as 'All Published Documents'. 

Filter Documents

Once you are viewing a list of documents via a search or saved view, follow these steps to apply additional filtering to locate documents. 

  1. Tap a filter category that is listed under the search bar. Scroll left to see more options.
    Or,  tap the filter icon-filter2.png icon to see all the available filters in list format.   
  2. Tap on a filter you want to enable or disable. A check mark appears next to the name of an enabled filter.   
  3. Tap Apply.
    Enabled filter categories turn blue and list the number of applied filters. 
  4. Add additional filters as needed.
  5. Removing filters:
    • To remove all filters of a certain type, tap Reset when viewing that filter category.
    • To clear all filters from a search or to reset a saved view back to its default filters:
      • If you are in the filter icon-filter2.png menu viewing the complete list of filters, scroll to the bottom and tap Reset.
      • If you are viewing the common filter categories under the search bar, scroll left and tap Clear Filters or Reset Filters.

Sort Documents

Once you are viewing a list of documents via a search or saved view, follow these steps to sort the list and locate documents. 

  1. Tap the sort icon-sort-mobile.png  icon.
  2. Select one of the following sorting options:
    • Recently Opened - Tap once for files that were not recently opened to show up on top. Return to the menu and tap this again to flip the list into descending order, with most recently opened files listed first.
    • Recently Uploaded - Tap once for the most recently uploaded files to show up on top. Return to the menu and tap this again to flip the list into descending order. 
    • Name - Tap once to sort the list from A-Z, by file name. File names that start with symbols or numbers appear first. Return to the menu and tap this again to reverse the order. 
    • Last Modified - Tap once for files that have not been modified recently to show up on top. Return to the menu and tap this again to flip the list into descending order, with most recently  modified files on top. 
    • Type - Tap once to sort the files into this file-type order: Drawings, Models, Photos, Reports, and Specifications. Return to the menu and tap this again to flip the list into descending order, with Drawings appearing last in the list and Specifications first.