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Release Notes for 2019-11-18

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Construction Platform Release Notes

Below are notable changes for the Procore web application for the week ending Friday, November 15, 2019.

Core Tools

My Profile Settings: 'Company' Tab Removed

The 'Company' tab under My Profile Settings has been removed. 

Project Management

Daily Log
Ability to Create Custom Fields for the Daily Log Tool's Manpower Log

Company Admin users can now create custom fields for the Daily Log tool's Manpower Log using configurable fieldsets. See Create New Custom Fields. These custom fields will function like other fields in Procore and can be included in reports in the Company and Project level Reports tools. 

Sort Drawing Sets from the List View

From the List view of the Drawing Sets page, drawing sets can now be sorted by set name, set date, published drawings count, or unpublished drawings count. See Search for and Filter Drawings.

New Granular Permissions Added for the Photos Tool

Procore has added four new granular permissions for the Photos tool that can be applied to permission templates in the Company level Directory tool. See Grant Granular Permissions in a Permission Template: Photos
Note: Some actions for the Photos tool are not available on the Procore iOS and Android apps, and the new granular permissions are currently only respected in the Procore Web app.

New Granular Permission to View Private Transmittals Associated to Users within Same Company

Procore has added a new granular permission to allow users to view a transmittal marked 'Private' if another user in their company is the transmittal's creator or included in the 'To' or 'CC' fields of the transmittal. See Grant Granular Permissions in a Permission Template.

Financial Management

No notable changes.

Resource Management

No notable changes.

App Marketplace

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