Add New Project Dates


To create a list of custom project dates for a company account in order to display key project dates on a project's Home page.


With the company's Admin tool, you can create a standardized list of project dates in your company's account. Then, when configuring a project's Home page, you can assign a calendar date to each 'Project Date'. These dates will then display on the 'Project Dates' area of the Project Home page. This feature keeps your project team members informed of important events and project targets. 

Things to Consider


  1. Navigate to the company's Admin tool.
  2. Under 'Project Settings', click Dates.
  3. Add a new date as follows:
    • Name. Enter a descriptive label for the project date. For example, Project Close Out

    • Add to Project Dashboard. Mark this checkbox to add the role to the Project Dashboard (a.k.a., Project Home page).  

    • Add [+]. Click the button to add the new value to the list. 

      The example below shows you how a home builder might label their project dates. 
      • To change the order of list items, grab the item by the more menu (≡) and then drag-and-drop it into the desired position. 
      • To rename a project date name, type over any item in the list. This changes the name on all projects where it's displayed. 
      • To delete a project date name, click the delete icon-delete-x.png icon. This removes the project date from all projects where it's displayed.
  4. Repeat the step above for all the desired project dates.
    When you've created all your company's desired project dates, you can continue with Add Project Dates to the Project Home Page.

See Also