Add the Unit-Based Columns to a Procore Budget View


To create and configure budget view columns for the unit-based financial feature and add those columns to the 'Procore Standard Budget' view. 


The following source columns can be added to Procore's non-ERP Standard Budget views:

Things to Consider



  1. Navigate to the company's Admin tool.
  2. Under Tool Settings, click Budget.
  3. Click Set Up New Budget View.
  4. Under Standard Views, select any non-ERP view in the list. 
  5. Click Create
  6. Click Configure Columns.
  7. Under the Standard columns list, place a checkmark next to the Budget Unit Cost, Budget UOM, and Budget Unit Qty.
  8. Choose one of these options to create a Source column:
    • Click Create Source Column
    • Click Create at the top right and choose Source from the drop-down menu.
  9. Complete this data entry:
    • Column Name. Type a name for your new column.
    • Column Source. Select a Unit Quantity column from the drop-down list. For a list of fields, see Background above. 
  10. Configure options for the column you selected by marking the check boxes for the column.
  11. Click Create.
  12. Click the X button to close the window when you are done working with it. The new column will now appear on your budget view and it will also be available to create calculated columns in reports. 

See Also