Delete a Company Level Deficiency Item Template


To delete a Deficiency item template at the Company level.

Things to Consider


  1. Navigate to the Company level Admin tool.
    This reveals the Company Settings page.
  2. Under "Tool Settings," click Deficiency List.
    This reveals the Deficiency Item Template Configuration page.

Delete an Individual Deficiency Item Template

  1. Click the RED 'x' next to the template you want to delete.
    A confirmation message appears so you can verify that you want to proceed with the delete action. 
  2. Click OK
    The system removes the template from the company's template list. It also removes the template from your project level template lists. 

Delete All Deficiency Item Templates in a Category

  1. Click Delete icon-delete-trash-blue.png above the category's list table containing the templates you want to delete.
    Note: This action will delete the ALL templates within the category as well as the category itself.
  2. Click OK to confirm your decision to delete the templates and category.

See Also