Invite Tenderers

The content below describes functionality that is part of the new Bid Management Enhanced Experience. See About Bid Management Enhanced Experience.
If your project has NOT been updated to Bid Management Enhanced Experience and you are using the Legacy experience, see Search for and Invite Bidders.


To send tender invitations to companies you've added to a tender form. 

Things to Consider



  1. Navigate to the project's Tendering tool.
  2. Open the tender package.
  3. If you want to invite all outstanding bidders, click Invite and select All Outstanding Bidders or Resend Invitations.
    Note: You can also click Invite in the banner to send invitations to all outstanding bidders.  invite-bidders.png
  4. If you want invite an individual company, click the Invite button next to the company in the 'Bid Status' column.
    This opens a side panel. Select one or more bid recipients to send the invitation to, and then click Send.

See Also