Update a Submitted Tender
To update a tender that was previously submitted.
If you submitted a tender before the deadline, you can still make changes to your tender. For example, changes to the tender set drawings or specifications or addendums that were issued after you submitted your tender may require that you update your tender accordingly.
Things to Consider
- You can update a submitted tender anytime before the tender package's due date.
- Navigate to the company's Planroom tool.
- Click on the tender package you want to update a tender for.
- Click Edit Tender.
- Modify any of the following information:
- Cost Code: In the field under Amount, indicate the amount you would like to tender for. The 'Total: $' field is automatically calculated.
- Inclusions: Disclose any inclusions that may not be clearly stated in the related contract documents.
- Exclusions: Disclose any exclusions that may not be clearly stated in the related contract documents.
- Comments: Add any comments you would like to send the company.
- Attachments: Add any relevant attachments to your tender sheet.
- Click Update Submission when your tender sheet is finalized.