Update Tender Documents


To update documents, specifications, and drawings that are included in your tender package.

Things to Consider


Update the Selection of Files on the Tender Package

Follow the steps below to add or remove tender files from the Drawings, Documents, and Specifications tool. 

  1. Navigate to the project's Tendering tool.
  2. Open the tender package you want to update tender files for.
  3. Click the Files tab.
  4. Click Edit.
  5. Click the tool that you want to update files from.
  6. Mark a checkbox to add a file, or clear a checkbox to remove it. 
  7. After you have made your changes, click Update.
  8. Send a New Correspondence in the Bidding Tool to inform your bidders of the change.
    Note: Companies who already received your bidding invitation will have a link to the original bid documents, so you will need to create a correspondence to alert them of the change. Companies who have not yet been invited to bid will see the updated bid documents.

Update Files Changed Outside of the Tendering Tool

If updates have been made to the bid documents outside of the bid package (for example, if files were uploaded to your bid folder in the Documents tool), you will see a banner that informs you that changes were made to the files.


You will see the banner in the following cases:

You will NOT see the banner in the following cases:

  • New document revision is added to the tendering folder(s) in the Documents tool.
  • New documents are added to the tendering folder(s).
  • Drawing revisions are added to the attached set(s).
  • Drawings are moved to a different Drawing Set.
  • Drawings are moved from one Drawing Area to another.
  • Specification revisions are added to the attached set(s).
  • An empty document folder is added.
  • Drawings are deleted from the attached set(s).
  • Specifications are deleted from the attached set(s).
  • Documents are deleted from the attached folder(s).
  • All associated documents are deleted from the attached folder(s).
  • All associated drawings are deleted from the attached folder(s).
  • A new document subfolder is added to an attached parent folder where not all subfolders are selected.


To update the files on the tender package: 

  1. Navigate to the project's Tendering tool.
  2. Open the tender package.
    The Action Required banner is shown. 
  3. Click Update
    This will update the tender files in the tender package to match the updates made outside the tender package.
    Note: Links to tendering documents found in a Tender Invitation email will also update.

See Also