Edit a Configurable PDF of a GC/Client Invoice in the Client Contracts Tool

 Limited Release
flag-us.png  The Client Contracts tool is available as a limited release for Procore customers in the United States who have implemented the Procore for Specialty Contractors point-of-view dictionary. To learn more, see What tool names and terms are different in Procore for general contractors, owners, and specialty contractors?


To learn how to edit the 'Configurable PDF' tab for a GC/Client invoice.


This tutorial shows you how to use the options in the Configurable PDF tab of an owner invoice. You can use the options in this tab to customize the way line items display on the PDF, such as how you want to group and summarize invoice line items so they display the way you want before you present the PDF to an owner. 

Things to Consider



  1. Navigate to the project's Progress Billings tool.
  2. Click the GC/Client tab. 
  3. Locate the invoice to work with. Then click its Invoice # link. 
  4. Click the Configurable PDF tab.
  5. Edit the PDF in any of the following ways:
    1. Summarization
      By clicking the arrows, you can expand and collapse the line items to show differing levels of data. To expand, click the arrow illustrated below. To collapse, click the arrow again. 
    2. Grouping
      Click the Group drop-down list to the group or subtotal line items by your selection:

Next Step

See Also