Edit and Reissue an Instruction


To edit and re-issue an instruction using the project's Instructions tool. 


If you have previously issued an instruction to recipients, you can edit it at any time and then re-issue (a.k.a., resend by email) your updates using the Steps below. 

Things to Consider


  1. Navigate to the project's Instructions tool.
  2. Click Edit on the instruction you want to edit.
  3. Update the information as needed.
    Note: The 'Created By', 'Created Date', or 'Date Issued' fields cannot be modified.
    • *#. Procore automatically assigns numbers to instructions in sequential order.
    • *Title. A descriptive subject the instruction.
    • Instruction From: Select the person from whom the instruction originated. 
    • Date Received: Select the date on which the site instruction was received from the originator (i.e., the originator is the person named in the ‘Instruction From’ field).
    • Attention. Select the desired people or distribution groups from the Project Directory. The are the recipients to whom you will issue the instruction
    • Distribution. Select people or distribution groups from the Project Directory (see Add a Distribution Group to the Project Directory). This action carbon copies the instruction to the named individuals.
    • Trade(s). Select the applicable trade from the drop-down menu. Trades are configured at the Company level. See Add or Delete Trades.
    • Schedule Impact: Select one of the following to indicate if the deficiency list item will affect the project's schedule (i.e. delay the project's planned schedule): Yes, Yes (Unknown), No, To Be Determined (TBD), and N/A.
    • Private. Mark this checkbox to hide the instruction from everyone except users with 'Admin' level permission to the Instructions tool, designated users in the 'Attention' field, and members of the default distribution group. See Configure Advanced Settings: Instructions
    • Cost Impact: Select one of the following to indicate if the deficiency list item will affect the project's cost (i.e. add costs to the project): Yes, Yes (Unknown), No, To Be Determined (TBD), and N/A.
    • Description: Enter a more detailed description for the site instruction. 
    • Attachments: To attach a file, click the Attach Files link. Then select the desired file. 
  4. Choose one of these options:
    • If you do not want to re-issue an email for the  instruction (i.e., if you are NOT ready to send it out to recipients by email), click Update. This saves the instruction in the Draft status in the List view. 
    • If you have NOT previously issued the instruction or if you have updated a instruction that was in the 'Draft' status, click Update & Issue. This sends the instruction to recipients and saves it in the Issued status in the List view. 
    • If you want to issue the site to recipients by email, click Update & Re-Issue. This send the update to recipient and saves the updated instruction in the Issued status in the List view. 

See Also