Delete a Timesheet


To delete a timecard entry or an entire timesheet from the project's Timesheets tool.


You can either delete a timecard entry or an entire timesheet. 

Things to Consider


Delete an Individual Timecard Entry

  1. Navigate to the project's Timesheets tool.
  2. Locate the timecard entry you want to delete within a timesheet.
    • If a date is not selected, all timesheets will be listed.
    • You can select a date range in order to see all timesheets for a certain time period.
  3. Hover to the far right of the individual time entry to show the trash bin icon.  
  4. Click the Trash Bin icon-delete-trash.png icon.

Delete a Timesheet

  1. Navigate to the project's Timesheets tool.
  2. Locate the timesheet you want to delete.
    • If a date is not selected, all timesheets will be listed.
    • You can select a date range in order to see all timesheets for a certain time period.
  3. Click the vertical ellipsis icon-ellipsis-options-menu.png icon. Then select Delete Timesheet from the drop-down menu.

  4. Confirm the action by clicking Delete in the 'Delete Timesheet' window.

See Also