How are financial line items and budget codes updated across change objects?


Maintain Budget Codes Across Line Items in Sync 

When creating change orders from change events, the budget code(s) in the change order's schedule of values (SOV) automatically populates with the budget code(s) from the change event line items they were created from. The Change Events configuration setting: 'Maintain Budget Codes across all Line Items in sync' will unlock Change Event line items linked to draft or ‘editable’ change objects, and determine whether changes to the budget codes on change objects will sync with their connected objects. For example, a change event connected to a potential change order. Turning the setting on unlocks the ability to edit your change objects creating a change order while keeping the line items and budget codes connected to them in sync. See Configure Settings: Change Events.  

Impacted change objects include:


When the 'Maintain Budget Codes across all Line Items in sync' setting is enabled at a company level, all current and new projects will have this setting turned on. If you do not want this setting enabled, it can be turned off for a project within Change Events settings.

Procore does NOT apply settings changes to existing objects retroactively.

When Setting is Turned Off

  • When change event line items are linked to both commitment change orders and/or potential change orders, those change event line item's budget codes, vendor, and contract become locked and cannot be edited.
  • When Budget Codes are updated and line items are added from the commitment change order/potential change order SOV, those changes do NOT update the information in the change event. In the case the Change Event is linked to a Commitment Change Order, vendor and contract fields are also locked along with the line item.

When Setting is Turned On (default when enabled)

  • When change event line items are linked to editable change order SOV, those change event line item budget codes, vendor, and contract will become editable. However, when linked to a Commitment Change Order or Commitment, Vendor and Contract will remain locked until disassociated with current commitment.
  • If all linked Change Objects are ‘editable’, when Budget Codes are updated and/or line items are added from the change order SOV, those changes will update the line item in the connected change object.
  • If Change Events are linked to approved or ‘uneditable’ change objects, the budget codes for both the Change Event line item and approved Change Order will remain locked. If then connected to another ‘editable’ Change Object (ex. CCO), when the user updates linked line items’ budget code, they will be informed that, “some line items are locked (on the change event and PCO) and could not be updated”

A line item in a Change Event is editable when:

A line item in a Change Order Schedule of Values is editable when:

Change objects are not editable when:

  • The object is in an 'Approved' status.
  • The project has a custom approval workflow. See Workflows.
  • The project's contract and change order data is synced with an ERP Integration.
Example scenarios

When the 'Maintain Budget Codes across all Line Items in sync' setting is turned ON, the following scenarios for editing change orders and change events will result in budget codes remaining synced:

Scenario 1:

If you edit the SOV of a potential change order in the Draft status connected to a change event line item, Procore automatically updates the corresponding budget code on the change event. If you choose to first update the change event line item, Procore automatically updates the corresponding value in the potential change order if it is in an unapproved status. If the Potential Change Order is moved to an uneditable state (approved, workflow, ERP), this will lock both linked line items on the Change Event and Change Order SOV line item.

Scenario 2:

A potential change order and commitment change order are in an editable status and change event line items are linked. If the budget code on the potential change order or commitment change order line item is updated, the budget codes across all three change objects will also be updated.

Scenario 3:

A change event line item is linked to both a potential change order and a commitment change order. In this example, the Prime Contract Change Order is approved and uneditable, as is the linked Change Event line item. The Commitment Change Order is in a draft status. Users will still be able to update the line item of that editable Commitment Change Order SOV. However, when the user updates linked line items’ budget code, they will be informed that, “some line items are locked (on the change event and PCO) and could not be updated” 


See Also