How can I add cost codes to a project synced with Yardi Voyager®


To add a new cost code to a project synced with Yardi Voyager®, you must first add the cost code as a cost category to your job in Yardi Voyager®. To do this, perform one of the following two options in Yardi Voyager®:

Option 1: Creating a new job to be used as a template.

In this job, add all cost categories and cost codes and ensure that you have all cost codes on the budget with $0 Budget line items. Then this job can be treated as a template by copying this job for new jobs.

Option 2: Creating a Model Budget which can be applied to new and existing jobs.

Create a Model Budget with the cost categories and cost codes you'd like. If you are using this method, ensure that all Original Budget amounts are $0 in Procore. Once this template is created, it can be applied to new or existing jobs. However, if you are applying to existing jobs, do not override the existing budget.


For more detailed instructions, consult your Yardi Voyager® documentation. Once the cost codes are added, follow the steps in Refresh the Cost Codes on an ERP Integrated Project.

See Also