How do my project-specific 'Cost Code' segment items get carried over from a project template to a new project?



Using Procore's Company level Portfolio tool, your company's Procore Administrator can select an existing Procore project to use as a project template for creating new Procore projects. This feature is only available by request. To learn more, see Configure a Project Template

With Procore's Work Breakdown Structure, important things to note before creating new projects include:


Project level Cost Codes that are unique to a project template do NOT carry over to new Procore projects by defaultTo enable a backend configuration setting that allows Procore to copy template-specific 'Cost Code' segment items to a new Procore project, your company's Procore Administrator must submit an email request to your company's Procore point of contact to discuss turning the optional setting ON. When ON, the optional setting carries over template-specific 'Cost Code' segment items to new projects. 


The backend configuration setting to carry 'Cost Code' segment items over to new project templates is available customers who are NOT using one of these solutions with Procore:

To decide if you want to turn this optional setting ON, see these examples:

Default Setting: Carry Over Template-Specific Cost Codes Turned OFF


If the setting to carry a project template's cost codes to a new project is turned OFF in Procore (this is the default setting), a green checkmark icon-permissions-access-check.png in the table below indicates which segment items in a project template get carried over to a new project. This is Procore's default setting.

When your project template is using this WBS... Segment Name Number of Segment Items
(Project Level)
Segment Items
Copied to New Project?
Company Admin > Work Breakdown Structure Cost Code 304 1 green-check.png
Project Admin > Work Breakdown Structure Cost Code 100 2 red-x.png

1 304 is the total number of segment items in Procore's default 'Cost Code' segment. See What are Procore's default cost codes? The total number of segment items in your environment may be different.

100 is an example. The total number of unique segment items in your environment may be different.

Optional Setting: Carry Template-Specific Cost Codes Setting Turned ON


If the setting to carry a project template's cost codes to a new project is turned ON in Procore, a green checkmark icon-permissions-access-check.png in the table below indicates which segment items in a project template get carried over to a new project. This setting is only available by request. To submit a request, ask your company's Procore Administrator to send an email to your company's Procore point of contact to discuss this option.

When your project template is using this WBS... Segment Name Number of Segment Items
(Project Level)
Segment Items
Copied to New Project?
Company Admin > Work Breakdown Structure Cost Code 304 1 red-x.png
Project Admin > Work Breakdown Structure Cost Code 100 2 green-check.png

1 304 is the total number of segment items in Procore's default 'Cost Code' segment. See What are Procore's default cost codes? The total number of segment items in your environment may be different.

100 is an example. The total number of unique segment items in your environment may be different.

See Also