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What are the different roles within Custom Workflows?



The table below describes the different workflow roles, such as workflow creators, workflow managers, and assignees. Granular permissions for custom workflows are detailed below in the following table. 

Role Definition Minimum Required User Permissions 
Workflow Creator A workflow creator is any Procore user in your organization who has the permission to create custom workflows with the Company level Workflows tool.
  • 'Admin' level permissions on the Company level Workflows tool.
  • 'Read Only' or 'Standard' level permissions on the Company level Workflows tool with the 'View Workflow Templates' and 'Create and Edit Workflow Templates' granular permission enabled on a permissions template.
Workflow Manager

A workflow manager is any Procore user in your organization who has been granted the appropriate permissions and privileges to manage the settings in your custom workflows after they have been assigned to your company's Procore projects.

A workflow manager can:

  • Start a workflow
  • Restart a workflow
  • Move workflow progress backward to a previous step. 
  • Access to the workflow panel on an item in a project.

For subcontractor invoices, a workflow manager can:

  • Access the workflow panel from a subcontractor invoice. 
  • If the user has 'Admin' level permission on the Commitments tool, view the 'Subcontractor Invoice Workflows' section on the Configure Settings page of both the Commitments and Invoicing tools.
  • If a user has 'Admin' level permissions on the Project or Company Admin tool, view the Workflow panel on any subcontractor invoice. 
  • 'Admin' level permissions on the Company level Directory tool. 
  • 'Read Only' or 'Standard' level permissions on the related Project level tool and has the granular permissions detailed below enabled on a permissions template.

    Note: 'Admin' level permissions on the Project level Directory tool for Correspondence workflows.
Workflow Assignee

workflow assignee is any Procore user in your organization who has been assigned to a workflow step on a project level item.

A workflow assignee can:

  • Approve a workflow step
  • Reject a workflow step
  • Return a workflow step
  • To respond to a workflow on a commitment or prime contract:
    • 'Standard' level permissions or higher on the related project tool.
    • Must be the assignee of the contract's current workflow step.
  • To respond to a workflow:
    • 'Standard' level permissions or higher on the project's related tool.
    • Must be the assignee of the current workflow step.