When you search for matches in Procore's Company or Project level Directory tool, the system lists up to fifty (50) matching records for your search criteria. Included in the scope of the search are the following fields:
Field Name | Users | Companies | Distribution Groups | Inactive Users | Inactive Companies |
Name (First & Last) | |||||
Job Title | |||||
Email Address | |||||
Cell Phone | |||||
Company Name | |||||
City | |||||
Postal Code | |||||
Business Phone | |||||
Entity Type (CBN/AIN) | |||||
ERP Vendor ID 1 | |||||
Tags/Keywords | |||||
Distribution Group Name | |||||
Distribution Group Description | |||||
DBA (i.e., Doing Business As) |
1 ERP Vendor ID applies only to Procore customers using the Company level ERP Integrations tool when it has been configured to work with an integrated ERP system.