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Which date formats are supported when importing direct costs from a CSV file?

This documentation details prerelease software. Its accuracy and reliability is not guaranteed by Procore Technologies, Inc. and it is subject to change without notice. It is being provided online for preliminary evaluation prior to an upcoming release. Procore is not responsible for and expressly disclaims all warranties of any kind with respect to this documentation and will not be responsible for any harm, loss, costs, or damages incurred due to its use.



When importing your direct costs for a project from a CSV file (see Import Direct Costs), you must ensure that your data entry for dates are using a supported date format. The format that you use will depend upon the language dictionary that was configured for your project in Procore.


Other date formats are not currently supported. Attempting to import dates in unsupported formats will cause the import process to fail. For example, do NOT enter dates in the M/D/YYYY, MM/DD/YY or DD/MM/YY formats.

Language (Country) Locale Supported Date Format
English (Australia) en-AU DD/MM/YYYY
English (Canada) en-CA MM/DD/YYYY
English (Great Britain) en-GB DD/MM/YYYY
English (Canada) en-US MM/DD/YYYY
French (Canada) fr-CA DD/MM/YYYY
Spanish (Latin America) - DD/MM/YYYY
If you do not know which dictionary setting is in use, contact your company's Procore Administrator. Only your Procore Administrator has the authority to request to change the dictionary setting. In addition, the setting can only be modified in Procore by your company's Procore point of contact.