Why am I receiving an error message in the Procore Imports app?


When importing an XLSX or CSV of user or vendor contacts into Procore, you may receive a warning or error message. See the tables below for explanations of possible warning and error messages.

Import Warning Messages

Warning Message Explanation
This will create a new company When importing a new user, the company they are associated with will be created as a vendor in your directory.
This trade does not yet exist and will be created When importing a new vendor, if the associated trade does not currently exist in your directory, it will be created with your import.
Please ensure the correct company id was provided. This id matches a different company name and you may be overwriting a different company Each vendor that currently exists in your directory has a unique company ID. When updating a vendor's details using the vendors import template, ensure that the column remains in its correct location and that the company IDs are correct.
Because this company already exists, its information will be overwritten If you proceed with a vendor import that contains a company already listed in your directory, the details associated with the existing company will be overwritten.
Because this user already exists, their information will be overwritten If you proceed with a user import that contains the email address of an individual already listed in your directory, the details associated with the existing user will be overwritten.

Common Import Errors

Error Message Explanation
This field is required This field must be filled in for the import to process.
Must be less than 256 characters long The text in this field must be shortened to under 256 characters.
Cannot recognize all characters Procore does not support certain characters present in your record, including certain accent marks.
This is a Yes/No field only This field requires that you enter either a "Yes" or "No" response.
Must be valid email format The current email address entered is not a valid email address.
Duplicate emails are not allowed Your records currently include one or more of the same email address.

User Specific Import Errors

Error Message Explanation 
This permission template does not yet exist and will not be applied The permissions templates you've included in your import file must already exist in the company's Permissions tool. See Create a Project Permissions Template and Create a Company Permissions Template.
Employee ID can only be provided if is_employee_of is marked as 'Yes' Ensure that you have entered 'Yes' in the column titled is_employee_of before adding the employee ID.

Vendor Specific Import Errors

Error Message Explanation 
User must not be associated with a different vendor The default 'Assignee' or 'Tenderer' must be associated with the vendor to which you've already assigned them.
If entity_id used, entity_type must also be specified Enter the entity type that corresponds to the ABN/CBN ID you've included. 
If ABN used, must be 11 digits Make sure you've entered the correct ABN (11 digits only).
If CBN used, must be 9 digits Make sure you've entered the correct CBN (9 digits only).
Duplicate company names are not allowed if id column is not used Two (2) or more companies with the same name cannot be imported unless you also include a unique ID for each company.
Duplicate company ids are not allowed Each company must have its own unique ID; the import process does not support duplicate company IDs.
More than one Vendor exists with this name. Please provide an ID number to indicate which Vendor you would like to update If you are updating a company and there are already two (2) identically named companies in the directory, you must confirm the company you want to update by providing the corresponding ID number.
The ID provided does not match an existing vendor The ID you have entered does not match an existing vendor in your company. Please review the ID you have provided.
Must be an existing user The contact entered must already exist as a user in your directory. 
User must not be associated with a different vendor A user associated with one company cannot be the set as Default/Assigned tenderer or contact of another company.

 Contact Specific Import Errors

Error Message Explanation 
Employee ID can only be provided if is_employee_of is marked as 'Yes' Ensure that you have entered 'Yes' in the column titled is_employee_of before adding the employee ID.

Cost Code Import Errors

Error Message Explanation 

The segment item is not recognized and will not be applied

This cost code is not recognized and will not be applied

The cost code does does not exist as a segment item in your company's or project's Work Breakdown Structure. You must add the cost code as a new segment item before attempting to import it. See Add Segment Items or Add Segment Items to a Project.

This ERP cost code is not recognized and will not be applied The ERP cost code in your template does not yet exist in the Procore web application. You must first create the ERP cost code on Procore's web application before attempting to import it. See Configure Cost Code Preferences for ERP Integrations.

See Also