Below are release notes for the Procore for Android mobile app in 2019.
9.1.0 (20/12/2019)
- Added: Users can now create and edit Instructions
- Added: Admins can now delete Instructions
- Added: More translations for Australian, Canadian, & Great British English as well as Spanish and Canadian French
- Added: Added People and Companies headers to text inputs - Resource (Scheduled Work Log), Delivery from (Delivery Log) and Issued To (Safety Violations)
- Added: Confirmation dialog when deleting unlinked markup items on Drawings
- Changed: Submittal Packages are sorted to more closely match web
- Fixed: Inspections now properly supports number responses in non-English languages
9.0.2 (27/11/2019)
- Fixed: Rare crash when opening an observation for viewing
- Added: Added more translations for Australian, Canadian, & Great British English as well as Spanish and Canadian French
- Fixed: RFIs no longer get an upload error when creating as Open and editing them while offline
- Added: In the Photos tool, you can now search photos by the album name as well as description, filename, and comments
- Fixed: In the Documents tool, when backing out of subfolders into the parent folders, it should no longer show the wrong data
9.0.1 (26/11/2019)
- Fixed: Inspections properly maintain item responses after performing inspections offline that were created offline
- Added: Added more translations for Australian, Canadian, & Great British English as well as Spanish and Canadian French
- Fixed: My Time should load significantly faster for companies with a large amount of data
- Fixed: Custom Tools no longer intermittently crashes when exiting very quickly after starting the tool
- Fixed: The Photos tool no longer crashes when backgrounding the app while viewing photos within an album
- Fixed: Creating locations offline in Incidents should now work properly
- Fixed: Inspections no longer crashes when loading large lists at once
9.0.0 (21/11/2019)
- Added: You can now filter by Due Date in the Inspections tool
- Added: You can now add new photos to a location in the Locations tool
- Fixed: The arrow markup tool in Drawings now matches the same appearance as it does on Web
- Changed: Loading inspections no longer causes slowness or crashes in some scenarios
- Added: You can now add Actions to Incidents
- Fixed: Sometimes the loading spinner in the list of items for a tool would incorrectly indicate that it was still loading data after the data had successfully loaded
8.6.8 (21/11/2019)
- Fixed: SSO logins should now work again.
8.6.7 (21/11/2019)
- Fixed: Editing items by adding new attachments should no longer cause failed uploads
8.6.6 (20/11/2019)
- Fixed: Resolved an issue where the Feed and Timeline tabs in the Photos tool were occasionally crashing.
8.6.4 (15/11/2019)
- Fixed: Resolved a crash when viewing inspection items.
8.6.4 (13/11/2019)
- Added: You can now configure project field visibility
- Fixed: Improved data memory management to prevent the app from crashing or freezing
- Fixed: Resolved crashes that were occurring:
- When downloading and emailing drawing revisions
- Occasionally when loading the drawings list
- When creating new markups in drawings
- With certain PDF files
- When searching for items in lists that hadn't loaded yet
- In the widget when setting up a project
- Occasionally when loading a photo
- When uploading large files
- When logging in on some devices using Lollipop
- Occasionally when performing newly created inspections or when leaving and and returning to the Inspections tool
- Occasionally on app startup
8.6.3 (08/11/2019)
- Fixed: Tasks sent from the Tasks tool should no longer get stuck in the upload queue.
8.6.2 (07/11/2019)
- Added: You can now select multiple body parts in Incident Injuries
- Added: Added more translations for Australian, Canadian, & Great British English as well as Spanish and Canadian French
- Fixed: Prime Contract no longer crashes
- Fixed: Creating inspections on large projects no longer allows consecutive actions to fail
8.6.1 (30/10/2019)
- Added: Records and Witness Statements in the Incidents tool are now automatically viewed after being created within an incident
- Fixed: The Tasks tool now properly respects permissions when selecting assignees
8.6.0 (28/10/2019)
- Added: You can now view and add attachments in Forms
- Added: Added more translations for Australian, Canadian, & Great British English, as well as Spanish and Canadian French
- Added: Clock-in ability for My Time
- Fixed: The copy from previous functionality in the Timesheets tool has been fixed
8.5.1 (23/10/2019)
- Fixed: The Camera tool now properly saves photos and videos to the gallery when the setting is enabled on devices running Android 10
- Fixed: Inspections no longer crashes app when syncing inspections with a large amount of inspection items
- Fixed: Inspections no longer crashes app when creating inspections with empty sections
- Fixed: Deficiency List tool Assignee filter now shows only the deficiency items with the selected assignees
8.5.0 (21/10/2019)
- New: For Admin users, a banner will now appear in the Tasks tool whenever there are task items that are ready to be sent
- New: Inspections now sync data more reliably for offline
- Fixed: Some observations were not respecting certain Configurable Field Sets
- Fixed: Offline drawing functionality improvements
- New: There is now a pop-up window that warns when clearing out failed uploads
- Fixed: Creating and editing Custom Tool improvements
8.4.1 (15/10/2019)
- Fixed: Daily Log no longer crashes when completing/reopening a day
8.4.0 (14/10/2019)
- Fixed: Signatures for Timesheets and Inspections now orient correctly when device is turned to the left or right
- New: Admins can see and approve pending entries for each day in the Daily log tool
- Fixed: Edits made to Observations are now properly reflected in the details screen
- Fixed: Custom Tools no longer lose user data in low memory states
- Fixed: Drawing comparisons no longer crashes when metadata is missing
- Fixed: Employee list no longer pushes name off the screen with long ids
- Fixed: Inspections no longer crash when adding attachments in low memory scenarios
- Fixed: In the Directory, vendor phone numbers can now be selected and called from within the app
- Changed: Drawing Markup now allows deletion offline
- Fixed: Standard users can edit Draft RFIs they created while offline and Admin users can edit Open RFIs they created while offline
- Fixed: RFIs no longer fail to upload when created offline with a newly created location
- Fixed: Some PDF files should no longer crash the app
- Fixed: Admins can create draft RFIs
8.3.3 (02/10/2019)
- Fixed: Deficiency List no longer defaults incorrectly to all statuses being selected
8.3.2 (01/10/2019)
- New: You can now view and modify the Due Date of an Inspection
- New: Inspections now respects Due Date in the Dashboard
- New: You can now filter by multiple statuses in the Inspections list
- Fixed: Speed improvements for Equipment Log in Daily Log
- Fixed: Larger default size of the markups in the camera tool
8.3.0 (30/09/2019)
- New: Daily Log entries now only accept two decimal places for number fields. Hour fields are now capped at 24 hours.
- Fixed: The RFIs tool no longer crashes when swiping between pages
- Fixed: In RFIs, the save button should appear when editing the required assignees
8.2.5 (26/9/2019)
- New: Employee IDs are now visible when selecting employees in Timesheets
- New: Improved sorting of RFIs in the list
- New: Added more translations for Australian, Canadian, & Great British English as well as Spanish and Canadian French
- Fixed: Widget no longer crashes when creating inspections
- Fixed: Observation filter no longer hides location field if using all Procore defaults for configurable fields
8.2.3 (23/9/2019)
- New: Inspectors are now referred to as Assignees in Inspections
- Fixed: Menu buttons show properly in Observations and Inspections
- Fixed: Some PDFs were crashing the app. This is no longer the case.
8.2.2 (19/9/2019)
- New: Observations list filter screen now respects configurable fieldsets
- New: Added more translations for Australian, Canadian, & Great British English as well as Spanish and Canadian French
- New: You can now opt into push notifications for Observations assigned from the Observations list
- New: You can now add attachments when editing maintenance logs in Equipment
- New: You can now filter the Observations list by origin
- Fixed: Improvements when downloading Drawings
8.2.1 (17/9/2019)
- Fixed: The Drawing measurement tool was showing inaccurate measurements and has been resolved
- New: You can now view an observation's origin when creating observations from inspections
- New: Additional security updates
- New: You can now view and edit all maintenance logs in Equipment
8.2.1 (13/9/2019)
- Fixed: The Drawing measurement tool was showing inaccurate measurements and has been resolved
- New: You can now view an observation's origin when creating observations from inspections
- New: Additional security updates
- New: You can now view and edit all maintenance logs in Equipment
8.2.0 (10/9/2019)
- New: The app now supports Android 10
- Fixed: Viewing people's info no longer crashes in certain low-memory scenarios
8.1.9 (9/9/2019)
- Fixed: Editing Change Events no longer crashes when using the app in low memory situations
- Fixed: Certain PDF files were crashing the app. This has now been fixed.
- Fixed: Clearing out certain fields in the Waste Log and Dumpster Logs of the Daily log tool should no longer error out
8.1.8 (6/9/2019)
- Fixed: Sending out emails for observations with assignees has been fixed
8.1.7 (5/9/2019)
- Fixed: Viewing Productivity Logs will no longer crash
- Fixed: Bug fixes and performance improvements
8.1.6 (4/9/2019)
- Fixed: Daily Log now displays the correct date
8.1.5 (29/8/2019)
- New: You can now view Observations in the app directly from push notifications
- Fixed: Submittals no longer crashes when viewing responses with attachments
8.1.4 (29/8/2019)
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
8.1.3 (29/8/2019)
- New: You can now receive push notifications when Observations are assigned to you
- New: The Submittals tool now respects configurable field sets
- New: Markup size options in drawings are now 2, 4, 8, 16, and 24. This should allow for more effective highlighting
- Fixed: Certain rare situations caused the application to not respond and freeze the screen. This has been fixed.
- Fixed: Drawing markups now respect line width regardless of zoom level
- Fixed: The postal code in the Directory tool should now allow alphanumeric characters
8.1.2 (26/8/2019)
- Fixed: The Change Events tool no longer crashes when restoring from the background
- New: Added Filing Type and Recordable fields to Injury Records in Incidents
- New: Added more translations for Australian, Canadian, & Great British English as well as Spanish and Canadian French
8.1.1 (20/8/2019)
- New: Added more translations for Australian, Canadian, & Great British English, as well as Spanish and Canadian French
- Fixed: Small bug fixes
8.1.0 (15/8/2019)
- Fixed: Edit button now always shows for Weather Log
- New: There are now text suggestions when filling out certain fields for Daily Logs
- New: You can now create a new person in Incident Records
- New: Tapping on a name mentioned in photo comments in the Photos tool will now bring up the person's contact information
- New: Editing RFIs should no longer lose unsaved changes when switching between apps
- New: Added more translations for Australian, Canadian, & Great British English as well as Spanish and Canadian French
- New: The list filter page on the RFIs, Incident, and Deficiency List tools now respects configuration settings for fieldsets
8.0.0 (13/8/2019)
- New: You can now filter the list of inspections by inspection type
- Fixed: Timesheets employees are now searchable by Last Name and Employee ID
- Fixed: Deficiency items now properly show comments and attachments when updating assignments
- Fixed: Viewing a worker's page accurately shows crew information
- Fixed: Removed invalid entries from suggestions list when creating a worker
- Fixed: People picker screens no longer fails to show the Done and Clear buttons
Note: The version number skipped from 7.39.6 to 8.0.0.
7.39.6 (6/8/2019)
- Fixed: Deficiency Items now show comments and assignment updates in the activity feed
- Fixed: Drawing markup colors now remember previous selection
- Fixed: Custom Tool no longer crashes when integer fields are used and edited
- Fixed: The screen should no longer flicker on certain tools when editing items
- New: Added more translations for Korean, Spanish, French, German, and Thai
Note: Version 7.39.5 was skipped.
7.39.4 (1/8/2019)
- Fixed: Timesheets no longer crashes when logging time using Start/Stop time
- Fixed: Certain devices that were unable to install the Procore app are now able to
- New: More translations for Korean, Spanish, French, and Thai
7.39.3 (30/7/2019)
- Fixed: Fixed crash on lollipop devices affecting RFI creation and edits
- New: Allow Deficiency Item managers with Standard permissions to assign users with Standard permissions
- New: You can now search Inspection templates
- New: New drawing markup color options
- New: More translations for Korean, Spanish, French, and Thai
7.39.2 (25/7/2019)
- Fixed: The Announcements tool should now properly appear and function correctly.
7.39.1 (22/7/2019)
- New: Added Witness Statements to the Incidents tool
- New: Deficiency List items now allow Admins and Deficiency Item Managers to add 'Standard' Assignees
- Fixed: Tasks should now be filtered correctly when entering the tool from the Project Overview section in the Dashboard
- Fixed: The filter banner should now properly appear when a list of a tool is filtered
- New: Additional translations for Korean, Spanish, French, and Thai languages
7.39.0 (1/7/2019)
- New: Additional translations for Korean, Spanish, French, and Thai
- New: Translations for German
- New: You can now select which items to send to deficiency list item managers and assignees
- New: You can now easily toggle between Ball in Court Items and All Items in the Deficiency List tool
- New: You can set a Change Reason when creating and updating Change Events
- New: Filters and search are now respected when sending items from the deficiency list
- New: You can select non-directory users as affected person in incident records
- Fixed: Linked drawings no longer disappear from tools such Inspections
7.38.1 (27/6/2019)
- New: You can now filter by inspection templates in the Inspections tool
- Fixed: The volume buttons should now properly capture photos in the camera
- Fixed: Viewing attachments should no longer crash in certain situations
- Fixed: Filtering in any tool should now be applied correctly when switching projects
- Fixed: Bug fixes and performance improvements
7.38.0 (26/6/2019)
- New: You can now markup photo attachments for any tool
- New: Attachments from camera will now prompt you to markup the attachment after taking the photo
- New: Additional translations for Korean, Spanish, French, and Thai
- New: You can now filter submittals by Type
7.37.3 (18/6/2019)
- New: Admins can now delete tasks in the Tasks tool
- New: Additional translations for Korean, Spanish, French, and Thai
7.37.2 (10/6/2019)
- New: Added a Distribution field to the Deficiency List tool when viewing, creating, or editing items. You can now filter deficiency items by Distribution.
- New: Added support for Configurable Field Sets for the Directory tool
- New: You can view linked drawings from an inspection's detail page
- New: Additional translations for Korean, Spanish, French, and Thai languages
- Fixed: Location field for the Deficiency List tool is properly validated
- Fixed: Default distribution is properly respected when creating incidents
- Fixed: Bug fixes and improvements
7.37.1 (3/6/2019)
- New: Deficiency type filter now supports multi selection
- Fixed: Bug fixes and improved validations for Environmental and Property Damage incident records
7.37.0 (31/5/2019)
- New: Property Damage and Environmental records for the Incidents tool
- New: You can view linked equipment from the Inspections tool
- New: The RFI list now syncs changes more frequently
- Fixed: Add Assignees banner in the Inspections tool now works properly
- Fixed: Forms can no longer save with empty titles
7.36.1 (29/5/2019)
- New: Deficiency items are now viewable in the app rather than the mobile web browser when opening them through links in emails
- New: Granular permission support for 'Standard' users in the Daily Log tool to edit or delete their own entries
7.36.0 (24/5/2019)
- New: Added additional translations for Korean, Spanish, French, and Thai languages
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
7.35.3 (22/5/2019)
Fixed: Fixed crash when opening inspections from other tools
7.35.2 (21/5/2019)
- New: Added 'Employees' to the Company drop-down menu in the Manpower section of the Daily Log
- New: Added granular permission for editing Daily Log entries
7.35.1 (13/5/2019)
- New: Cost Code now displayed in RFI details screen
- Fixed: Drawing markup deficiency filters now support workflow status
- Fixed: Bug fixes and performance improvements
7.35.0 (10/5/2019)
- New: Redesigned creation screen for Change Events
- New: Support for additional devices in Google Play Store
7.34.5 (6/5/2019)
- New: Deficiency List now includes the Priority field, respecting configurable field sets
- Fixed: Equipment Picker in Daily Log now shows correct Equipment list
7.34.4 (26/4/2019)
- Fixed: Equipment tool loading issue
7.34.3 (24/4/2019)
- Fixed: Default distribution is now respected for Observations
- Fixed: Recent Deficiency templates will now correctly fill all proper fields
- Fixed: Fixed crash in Photos tool when selecting photos in timeline
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
7.34.2 (17/4/2019)
- New: Disabled storing signatures in the Forms tool
- Fixed: Inspections will follow descriptions from a company level template
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
7.34.1 (16/4/2019)
- Bug fixes and improvements
7.34.0 (12/4/2019)
- New: You can now view and create Incidents from the Locations tool
- New: You can now open markup attachments with one click
- New: Added additional translation support for AU, CA, GB, MX, FR-CA, KR, TH
- Fixed: Auto incrementing for number fields in custom tools
- Fixed: Photos taken on the Pixel 3 no longer whitewash photos
7.33.10 (08/4/2019)
- New: Delays section in the Daily Log
- Fixed: Incident fields for Harm Source, Work Activity, and Injury/Illness respect web configuration
7.33.9 (02/4/2019)
- New: Configurable fields for Deficiency items are now supported
- New: Custom Tools with workflows enabled are now hidden on the mobile app
- Fixed: The company field on the Manpower section in the Daily Log is no longer hidden
- Fixed: Incident Records now respect web settings for hidden and shown records
7.33.8 (27/3/2019)
- Fixed: Inspection item ordering is now fixed within sections
- Fixed: Inspections tool now properly respects association between Responsible Contractor and Point Of Contact fields when editing
- Fixed: Locations tool filters now filters by sub location
- Fixed: Performance Improvements
7.33.7 (25/3/2019)
- New: Improved the user interface of Deficiency List banners
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
7.33.6 (15/3/2019)
- New: Submittals now show the Sub Job field
- New: Sync Drawings by Area
- Fixed: App no longer has issues renaming documents without a file extension
- Fixed: Inspections with In Review status now show up in the Dashboard
- Fixed: Filtering tools by My Open Items will not cause occasional crash
- Fixed: Minor bug fixes and performance issues
7.33.5 (8/3/2019)
- New: Coach marks added for Drawing Area Sync in the Drawings tool
- Fixed: Minor bug fixes and performance improvements
7.33.4 (6/3/2019)
- New: Users now can select multiple Inspection signatories at once
- New: Admins can now mark RFI replies as official responses
- Fixed: Editing Inspections with In Review status no longer cause failed uploads
7.33.3 (5/3/2019)
- New: Better single area support for syncing drawings by area
- New: Users can now filter their list of Tasks in the Tasks tool
- New: Users can now filter their list of Incidents in the Incidents tool
- Not released. Changes rolled into 7.33.3.
7.33.1 (27/02/2019)
- New: Users can now sign timecards in Timesheet Weekly View
- Fixed: Incorrect icons in the quick create menu
- Fixed: Other minor bugs and improvements
7.33.0 (21/02/2019)
- New: Incidents tool for Android.
7.32.0 (20/02/2019)
- New: Sub Job filter for RFIs
- Fixed: Users with standard permissions can now close any tasks they created
- Fixed: Creating new inspections will now respects the "Private by default" configuration.
7.31.1 (11/02/2019)
- Fixed: Daily Log pending banners should only be visible to users with admin permission level.
- Fixed: When viewing drawing revisions, the app would occasionally crash on pressing back.
7.31.0 (07/02/2019)
- New: Lasso tool for Markup.
- Bug fixes and performance improvements.
7.30.1 (06/02/2019)
- New: Optional Subjob field to RFI Form
- New: Attachments support to Quantities Log
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
7.30.0 (05/02/2019)
- New: Tasks Tool for Android
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
7.29.0 (29/01/2019)
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
7.28.3 (18/01/2019)
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
7.28.2 (17/01/2019)
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
7.28.1 (16/01/2019)
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
7.28.0 (15/01/2019)
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
7.27.4 (10/01/2019)
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
7.27.3 (8/01/2019)
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
7.27.2 (7/01/2019)
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
7.27.1 (3/01/2019)
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
7.27.0 (2/01/2019)
- Bug fixes and performance improvements