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Capital Planning: Cash Flow Forecasting Automatic Spread

This announcement represents a single point in time. Future releases may impact the information below.
Feature Announced: January 7, 2020 /  Feature Released: January 16, 2020



This feature is available for accounts with Procore's Capital Planning product that have Cash Flow Forecasting enabled. Please reach out to your Procore point of contact for more information. 

Automatically Spread Forecast to Complete Amount

Procore has developed a new feature that allows users to automatically spread the remaining Forecast to Complete amount across the remainder of the project's timeline, based on a pre-determined forecasting curve. Prior to this feature, users needed to manually adjust their forecast, month by month and line item by line item.

With the automatic spread feature, an entire project can be forecasted in a matter of minutes. After the appropriate forecasting curve has been selected, the values remaining to be filled (months that have not been contracted or spent yet) will automatically be filled with the value based on the chosen curve.


As part of this release, there are four (4) forecasting curve options:

  • Straight Line: An even spread of the Forecast to Complete Value over the selected timeline.
  • Front-Weighted Curve: More is spent at the beginning of the selected timeline, and less is spent near the end of the selected timeline.
  • Back-Weighted Curve: Less is spent at the beginning of the selected timeline, and more is spent near the end of the selected timeline.
  • Bell Curve: A balanced spread, where less is spent at the beginning and end of the selected timeline, but more in the middle.


  1. From the Cost Tracker, click Cash Flow.
  2. Click Edit Cash Flow.
    Note: This action opens a new page.
  3. Click the vertical ellipsis menu for a line item.
  4. Click Spread.
  5. Select the forecasting curve option you want to use.
  6. Enter your Date Range or Duration.
  7. Click Spread.
    Note: You can manually adjust any values by clicking into the cells. However, other values in the row will NOT be automatically adjusted.
  8. Click Save


If you would like to ask questions or share any feedback, please contact