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Duplicate a Workflow Template



To duplicate a workflow template using the Company Workflows tool.  

Things to Consider

  • Required User Permissions:
    • To duplicate a workflow template, 'Admin' level permissions on the Company Workflows tool. 
  • Additional Information:
    • Duplicate workflow names are NOT permitted.


Duplicate a Workflow

  1. Navigate to the Company Workflows tool. 
  2. In the 'Workflows' table, locate the workflow you want to duplicate and click View
  3. Click the icon-duplicate.png icon.
    Procore opens the workflow in a new window and names it: 'Copy of: [Previous Workflow Name]'

Rename the Copy of the Workflow

  1. In the copy of the workflow template, click the pencil icon on the top-left side of the page. 
  2. Enter a new name for the template by replacing 'Copy of: [Previous Workflow Name]'.
  3. Choose one (1) of these options:
    • Save and Publish. Click this button to save the copy of the workflow as a published template. You can now assign it for use on a project. 
    • Save as Draft. Click this button to save the copy of the workflow as an unpublished draft.