Create Manpower Entries

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To create Manpower entries in the project's Daily Log tool.


The Manpower section tracks the people on site who have completed work on the project for that day. You are able to collect information on the companies on site, the number of workers, the number of hours they worked and the cost code associated with their work.

You can configure your Manpower section so that the 'Hours' and 'Workers' values on a copied manpower entry are set to zero (0). See Configure Advanced Settings: Daily Log.
Note: If this setting is not enabled, the copied manpower entry will include the number of hours and workers from the previous entry.

Things to Consider


  1. Navigate to the project's Daily Log tool.
  2. Scroll to the Manpower section.
  3. Fill out the following fields as appropriate:
    Tip! Certain fields in the Manpower log can be configured as required, optional, or hidden in the Company level Admin tool. See Create New Configurable Fieldsets.
    • #: This uneditable field counts the number of entries in a section (e.g. the first entry created will be # 1 and the second entry will be # 2).

    • Company: Select the company or individual performing the work from the drop-down menu. 
      Note: Companies and users must exist in the project's Directory tool to be selected in this drop-down menu. See Add a Company to the Project Directory. In addition, a user must be marked as an employee of your company to appear in the list. See How do I add someone as an employee of my company?

    • Workers: Enter the number of workers from the selected company on the job for the day.

    • Hours: Enter the total number of hours each worker within the selected company performed on the job that day. If workers from the same company worked different hours, Procore recommends creating a separate entry.

    • Total Hours: This field will display the product of #Workers and #Hours.
      E.g. 3 (#Workers) x 7 (#Hours) = 21 (Man Hours).

    • Cost Code: Select from the drop-down menu the cost code associated with the entry. 

      Note: This field is not enabled by default, so it may not be available on your entry. Company Admins can add the field through a configurable fieldset applied to the project. 
    • LocationSelect a location from the Location drop-down menu.
      Note: If the project allows for locations to be created from other tools, you can also create a new location to select. See How do I add a multi-tiered location to an item?

    • Trade: Select the trade associated with the entry from the drop-down menu. You can only select from the trades already added to the project. See Add a Custom Trade.

      Note: This field is not enabled by default, so it may not be available on your entry. Company Admins can add the field through a configurable fieldset applied to the project. 
    • Comments: Enter any comments that may help clarify the entry.

    • Attachments: Attach any additional files to the entry. Click Attach File(s) and then drag-and-drop a file from your computer to the Drag and Drop your File(s) area or click Upload Files to select a file from your computer. Once you save your item, users will be able to view the attachment in Procore's viewer or download the attachment. 

  4. Click Create.

Next Step