To create Quantity entries in the project's Daily Log tool.
The Quantities section allows you to input tracking information about the amount of materials that are used on a given day.
#: This uneditable field counts the number of entries in a section (e.g. the first entry created will be # 1 and the second entry will be # 2).
Log Date: This field specifies the date that the daily log entry applies to. This field will only display when viewing multiple days in the Daily Log tool and is uneditable.
Cost Code: Select from the drop-down menu the cost code associated with the entry.
Quantity: Enter the total number of the specified materials placed on the site that day.
Units: Enter the types of units that were delivered.
Location: Select a location from the Location drop-down menu.
Note: If the project allows for locations to be created from other tools, you can also create a new location to select. See How do I add a multi-tiered location to an item?
Comments: Enter any comments that may help clarify the entry.
Attachments: Attach any additional files to the entry. Click Attach File(s) and then drag-and-drop a file from your computer to the Drag and Drop your File(s) area or click Upload Files to select a file from your computer. Once you save your item, users will be able to view the attachment in Procore's viewer or download the attachment.