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What is the Monthly Sandbox Environment?


There are three (3) different types of Procore environments:

  • Production. Your company's live, active Procore account where work is done.
  • Monthly Sandbox. A direct copy of your company's entire account from the Production environment, including all data and configurations. This is used as a testing environment.
    Note: The Monthly Sandbox environment is NOT the same as your Sandbox Test Project. A Sandbox Test Project is hosted in the Production environment.
  • Integrator/Developer Sandbox. A separate environment used by third party developers and marketplace partners for testing purposes during the software development process.

Procore customers can choose to enable the Monthly Sandbox environment feature by opting in from the Company level Admin tool in their company's Procore Production account. By default, this feature is turned OFF for customers until they choose to enable it.


What is the Monthly Sandbox Environment?

A Monthly Sandbox is a direct copy of a company's entire live Procore account from the Production environment. This copy of a company account includes, but is not limited to:

  • All projects, tools and their data
  • Configuration settings
  • Installed applications 

The purpose of the Monthly Sandbox Environment is to provide Procore users with a space to test and explore new features without impacting their real project data, before making changes to their company's live account in the Procore Production Environment. 

The Monthly Sandbox automatically overwrites all data and configurations with a fresh copy from the Production Environment on a monthly cadence, which is why it's called the 'Monthly Sandbox.' The overwrite, or 'refresh', occurs on the second business day of each month. All monthly sandboxes across Procore are refreshed in a single event on this date, so one company's Monthly Sandbox cannot be adjusted to refresh at a unique cadence.

Overwriting the Monthly Sandbox with Production data each month keeps the two environments as close to identical as possible. This provides customers with a more accurate representation of their company's live account when testing a new feature in the Monthly Sandbox. It also prevents test data that would otherwise be created in the Production environment from showing up in reports, or interfering in other work in the live Production account. It also keeps too much test data from accumulating in the Monthly Sandbox environment.

How do I access the Monthly Sandbox?

After opting in to Monthly Sandbox for your company, it might take some time for the Monthly Sandbox environment to be enabled. New environments are enabled on the second business day of the month following the opt-in event, at the same cadence as the refresh process for other existing Monthly Sandboxes across Procore. 

You can access the Monthly Sandbox with the same username and password you use to log into your Procore account in the Production Environment. 

To log in to the Monthly Sandbox, go to: 

Note: Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is not supported in the Monthly Sandbox at this time.