Which Procore tools support 'Classifications'?


In Procore, a classification is a way for a company to categories its employees and workers on a project. 

  • You might want your classifications to reflect roles in the building trades, such as BricklayerElectrician, and so on. 
  • You might want your classifications to reflect a rank in a trade, such as ApprenticeJourneyman, and so on.  

Classifications are supported by these Procore Tools:

Company Level Tools

Classifications interact with these Company Level Procore tools:

Company Tool Description Learn More
Admin Create a list of classifications for your company's Procore account. Add a Classification
Directory Assign a classification to an employee or worker using the 'Classification' drop-down list under 'Contact Information' in a user or contact record. Add a User Account to the Company Directory
Timesheets Change the classification on a timecard entry using the 'Classification' drop-down list in a timesheet. Edit a Timecard Entry in the Company Level Timesheets Tool 

Project Level Tools

Classifications interact with these Project Level Procore tools:

Project Tool Description Learn More
Admin Enable and disable the Company level classifications of your choice on a Procore project using the controls in the 'Classifications' page under 'Project Settings.' These settings carry over to new projects created using the project templates feature. See Which project settings from the Admin tool carry over from a project template?

Enable Classifications on a Project

Crews Assign a classification to a worker using the 'Classification' drop-down list in the Add Worker window.  Add a Worker
Daily Log If the project's Timesheets tool is enabled, the 'Classification' drop-down list appears and Procore automatically completes this field with the data entered on a timesheet.  Create Timecard Entries
 Directory Assign a classification to an employee or worker using the 'Classification' drop-down list under 'Contact Information' in a user or contact account. Add a User Account to the Project Directory
Import classifications during the user import process by inputting data in the 'Work Classifications' column.  Procore Import Templates
Timesheets Assign a classification to an employee or worker using the 'Classification' drop-down list in a timesheet. Create a Timesheet 
T&M Tickets View or change an employee's classification using the 'Classification' drop-down list in the Create a T&M Ticket page.  Create a T&M Ticket

Mobile Tools

Classifications interact with these mobile tools:

Company Tool Description Learn More
My Time Change the classification on a time entry using the 'Classification' drop-down list.
Timesheets Change the classification on a timecard entry using the 'Classification' drop-down list in a timesheet.

See Also