Also available on 
To navigate to a different project or company in the Procore iOS app.
Things to Consider
- Open the Procore app on an iOS mobile device.
Tap the top menu to open the Project and Company Selector. Select a project from the search results or use one of these filtering methods:
- Keywords: Use the Search
bar to find a project by address or name.
- Change the company:
- Tap Company to see a list of all the companies you can access.
- Select or clear the checkbox
next to each company to choose whether that company's projects show up in your search results on the previous screen.
- Tap Apply to apply the filter.
- Show active or inactive projects:
Note: Inactive projects must be enabled in your App Preferences. See App Preferences (iOS).
- Tap Status.
- Mark or clear the Active checkbox to show or hide active projects.
- Mark or clear the Inactive checkbox to show or hide inactive projects.
- Tap Done.
- Change the sort method:
- Tap Sort to see your sort options. See Sort Projects (iOS).
- Select your preference and tap Apply.
- Clear filters: Tap Clear Filters to remove any filters you set previously. This returns Sort to the default (Recently Viewed projects).
