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Connect Your Procore Data by Downloading Analytics Models (Beta)


To connect your Procore data to a BI system by downloading Analytics models programmatically. 

Things to Consider

  • Requirements:
    • Python 3.6 or higher installed on your system.
    • 'config.share' file received from Procore.
    • The necessary Python packages installed on your system.
    • The script supports both PySpark and Python.
    • If you are using PySpark, make sure you have installed Spark 3.5.1 or later, Java and configured the SPARK_HOME environment variable.
    • If you are using Python and the target location is MSSQL DB, install the ODBC driver 17 for SQL Server on your system.


Download Credentials File

  1. Create a file called 'config.share.
  2. Add the fields below:
        "shareCredentialsVersion": 1,
        "bearerToken": "",
        "endpoint": "",
        "expirationTime": ""
  3. Add the bearerToken, endpoint, shareCredentialsVersion and expirationTime values received from Procore to the config.share file.

Run script

You can use the following scripts to create a config.yaml file with the necessary configurations. 

  • For Azure Storage:
    cron_job: #true/false
    run_as: #pyspark/python
      config_path: #path to the config.share file
      - '' # table name if you want to download a specific table. Leave it empty if you want to download all tables
    source_type: delta_share
      auth_type: service_principal
      client_id: #client_id
      secret_id: #secret_id
      storage_account: #storage-account name
      storage_path: #<container>@<storage-account><directory>
      tenant_id: #tenant_id
    target_type: azure_storage
  • For MSSQL DB:
    cron_job: #true/false
    run_as: #pyspark/python
      config_path: #path to the config.share file
        - '' # table name if you want to download a specific table. Leave it empty if you want to download all tables
    source_type: delta_share
      database: #target database
      host: #target hostname:port
      password: #password
      schema: #target schema (default to procore_analytics)
      username: #username
    target_type: sql_server

Run as PySpark

If your environment is already set up with Spark, choose the 'pyspark' option when requested or once the 'config.yaml' is generated, you can run the following commands to download the reports to the data directory.

  • For Writing to ADLS Gen2 Storage:
    spark-submit --packages,org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-azure:3.4.0,,org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-common:3.4.0 --exclude-packages com.sun.xml.bind:jaxb-impl
  • For Writing to MSSQL DB:
    spark-submit --packages --jars <Location of mssql-jdbc jar>

Run as Python

  1. From the command line, navigate to the folder by entering “cd <path to the folder>” command.
  2. Install required packages using “pip install -r requirements.txt” or “python -m pip install -r requirements.txt”.
  3. Open SSIS and create a new project.
  4. From the SSIS Toolbox drag and drop Execute Process Task.
  5. Double click Execute Process Task.
  6. Go to the Process tab.
  7. Next to Executable, enter the path to python.exe in the Python installation folder.
  8. In WorkingDirectory, enter the path to the folder containing the script you want to execute (without the script file name).
  9. In Arguments, enter the name of the script you want to execute with the .py extension and click Save.
  10. Click Start in the top ribbon menu.
  11. During the execution of the task, the output of the Python console is displayed in the external console window.
  12. Once the task is done it will display a checkmark.

Choose Your Own Method

Delta Sharing is an open protocol for secure data sharing. You can find the public GitHub repository for Delta Sharing at The repository includes examples and documentation for accessing shared data using various languages such as Python and Spark Connector (SQL, Python, Scala, Java, R).

Make sure you have appropriate permissions and access rights to download the required files and run Docker containers on your system. Always follow security best practices and guidelines provided by Procore when handling sensitive data and credentials.