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 Below are the notable changes to the project's Tendering tool in 2018.

Redesigned Search for Tenderers Page (21/12/2018)

Redesigned the Tendering tool's Search for Tenderers page to improve the process of adding tenderers to your tender package's tender list. 

Added Cost Codes to Filters in Tenderers Search (11/12/2018) 

Updated the Project Level Tendering tool to allow users to filter the Tenderers Search table with multiple cost codes. 

Updated Name to Email Address in the Email Column of Tender List CSV Export (3/12/2018)

Updated the Tender Recipient Email List column in the Tender List CSV export to display the recipients' email addresses instead of name.

Attach Individual Files to the Tender Package (27/11/2018)

Added the ability to upload individual tender documents, drawings and specs to your tender package.

Moved Sidebar Buttons and Filters to Top of Page (17/10/2018) 

Updated the Tendering tool to remove the sidebar. The button and filters have been moved to the top of the page.

Added a Specifications Log PDF to the Tendering Tool's ZIP (16/10/2018) 

Updated the Tendering tool to add a Specifications Log PDF for newly attached or updated Tender Documents. The Specifications Log PDF is automatically included in 'Tendering Documents' zip downloads and able to be downloaded through the Tender Package show pages (hyperlink titled "List of attached folders").

Increased Number of Tenderers Displayed on Tender List (6/9/2018) 

Updated the Project level Tendering tool to increase the number of tenderers displayed on the Tender List to 150.

Added Alert Banner to Tender Package Creation (22/8/2018) 

Added an alert banner to the Create Tender Package process to notify users when a project is not in the tendering phase.

Added Link to Support Site Documentation to Tendering Instructions (24/8/2018) 

Added a link to the Project level Tendering tool's support site documentation in the Tendering Instructions that appear when you create a new tender package.

Updated 'Download Tender Documents' Links (20/8/2018) 

Updated all of the 'Download Tendering Documents' links so they are now labelled consistently as 'Download Tender Documents.'

Added 'Last Activity' Column And 'Activity Log' Modal To Tender List (15/5/2018)

Updated the Tendering tool to add a 'Last Activity' column with an 'Activity Log' modal to the Tender List. Also updated the Tender List alert banners to use the new Core component.

Added Ability To Search The Tender List (11/5/2018) 

Updated the Tendering tool's Tender List to add 'Search' functionality for company and recipient name

Admins Can Now Convert Tender to Purchase Orders (7/5/2018)

Updated the Tendering tool to allow Tender Admins to convert tender to Purchase Orders.

Increased Default Number of Vendors for Tender Invites (17/4/2018)

Updated the Tendering tool to increase the default number of vendors in the invite review pages from 50 tenderers per page to 250 tenderers per page.

Added Options To Bulk Actions Menu in Tender List (17/4/2018)

Updated the Tendering tool to add 'Select All' and 'Deselect All' options in the Bulk Actions menu on the Tender List.

Updated the Custom Tendering Report (10/4/2018)

Updated the Company and Project level Reports tool to add the 'Tender Package Status' column to the custom Tendering report. Also updated the values for the 'Submission Status' column to read 'Submitted' and 'Not Submitted.'

Authorized Tenderer Checkbox in Add Filter Menu Now Enabled by Default (9/4/2018)

Updated the Tendering tool to update the 'Authorized Tenderer?` checkbox in the Add Filter menu so it is enabled by default in the Search for Tenderers page.

Added Auto-Formatting to Tender Amounts for Tendering Tool (22/2/2018)

Previously, when a user was entering their bid amounts on a bid sheet in the Bidding tool, the amount field would not format with commas and decimals as the amounts were entered. Now, these amounts will be automatically formatted with commas and decimals as the user enters them. See Bidding: Automatically Apply Current Format to Bid Amount.