Limited Release
If you are a Procore customer in the United States, the name of this tool depends on a dictionary setting in your company's Procore account:
- The Prime Contracts tool is Procore's default tool name for the English (United States) dictionary.
- The Funding tool is only available with the Owners point-of-view dictionary.
- The Client Contracts tool is only available with the Specialty Contractors dictionary is active.
To learn about the dictionaries and required Project level and User level dictionary settings, see What tool names and terms are different in Procore for general contractors, owners, and specialty contractors?
When you initially set up the Client Contracts tool for a project, you can choose between a 1- or 2-tier change order setting. This setting determines how many steps are required when managing change orders on a Procore project. You must configure this setting before your project users create change orders on a project. This setting cannot be changed after a change order is created.
Things to Consider
- Required User Permissions:
- 'Admin' level permissions on the project's Client Contracts tool.
- Additional Information:
- This setting MUST be set configured before you create the first change order on the project.
- If you do NOT specify a setting, 2-Tier is Procore's default setting.
- You are NOT permitted to change this configuration setting after creating the first change order on a project.
- Navigate to the project's Prime Contracts, Client Contracts, or Funding tool.
- Click the Configure Settings
- Select one (1) of these options from the Number of Change Order Tiers drop-down list:
This setting cannot be changed after the first change order is created on the project.
- 1-Tier (One-tier, a.k.a. 'single-tier')
Users only need to create a single change order to send to the appropriate user(s) for review and approval.
- 2-Tier (Two-tier)
This is Procore's default setting. With this setting, users first create one (1) or more potential change order(s). The potential change orders can then be grouped into a single change order to send to the appropriate user(s) for review and approval.
- Procore recommends applying the 1- or 2-Tier configuration setting to the tool.
- A three (3) tier change order configuration is available. However, it is only recommended when your billing process requires you to group all of the 'Approved' change orders into a single, combined change order for final signature. To learn more, see What are the different change order tier settings in Project Financials?
- Click Update.