Below are notable changes to the Commitments tool in 2019.
Preview Release: Enhanced Financial Line Item Experience (11/11/2019)
To provide you with a modern, consistent experience across Project Financials, Procore is releasing an updated financial line item experience. Users will have the opportunity to opt-in to preview the new experience during an initial rollout period. The initial rollout will update these Procore project tools: Change Events, Commitments, Direct Costs, and Prime Contracts. To learn the specifics, see Project Financials: Enhanced Financial Line Item Experience.
Sync QuickBooks® Bill Payments with Payments Issued in the Commitments Tool (1/5/2019)
Users with the ERP Integrations tool can now automatically sync bill payments made against synced subcontractor invoices from QuickBooks® to the Payments Issued in Procore's Commitments tool. This eliminates the need for double entry and provides greater transparency about payments to your project team.To learn more, see ERP Integrations: Sync QuickBooks® Bill Payments with Payments Issued in Procore's Commitments Tool.
PDF Exports Now Show Tax Codes (8/1/2019)
Updated the PDF exports in the Prime Contract, Change Orders (all tiers), and Commitments tools to now show tax codes for prime contracts and commitments.