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Add a Related Item to a Correspondence Item


To add a related item to a correspondence item.


In Procore, a Related Item is a link between two Procore objects. It is an option that's available in many Procore tools, such as Commitments, Documents, RFIs, Submittals, and Transmittals. For example, if you are creating a submittal, you might add a Procore drawing of the installation location or a photo of the item to be installed as a related item on the submittal. If you are adding a new deficiency item, you might link a Potential Change Order (PCO) or a Commitment Change Order (CCO) as a related item, so the subcontractor can view the costs associated with the deficiency item. 

Things to Consider

  • Required User Permissions:
    • To add, edit, or delete a related item on any correspondence item that you have access to: 'Admin' level permissions on the correspondence type.
    • To add, edit, or delete a related item on a correspondence item that you have created: 'Standard' level permissions or higher on the correspondence type.
    • To view the title of a related item: Access to the correspondence item. See View a Correspondence Item.
  • Additional Information:
    • Related items cannot be added to archived correspondence items.


  1. Navigate to the project's Correspondence tool.
  2. Click the List tab.
  3. Click the Number for the correspondence item that you want to add one or more related items to.
  4. Click the Related Items tab.
  5. Click Link Related Item. 
  6. Search for the item you want to link and click on it. 
  7. Optional: Add a note explaining why the item is linked. 
  8. Click Link
  9. Optional: Click the trashcan icon to delete a related item.

Related Items tab in Correspondence Item View.png