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Mention Someone in a Photo Comment


To mention someone in a comment on a photo in the Photos tool.

Things to Consider

  • Required User Permissions:
    • To mention someone on a photo, 'Standard' or 'Admin' permissions on the project's Photos tool.
    • To be mentioned on a public photo, 'Read only' or higher permissions on the project's Photos tool.
    • To be mentioned on a private photo, 'Admin' level permissions on the project's Photos tool.
  • Additional Information:
    • The mentioned person will receive an email to their inbox OR a push notification on their mobile device.
      • The email will include a preview of the photo and comment as well as a link to view the comment in Procore.
      • The push notification will include the person who commented as well as the comment. 
        Note: To always receive email notifications, disable the Photo Comment Mentions in the Procore app.


  1. Navigate to the project's Photos tool.
  2. Click the photo to which you want to add a description. 
  3. Click the information (i) icon if it is not already selected.
  4. Expand the Comment section at the bottom of the Information section if it is not already selected.
  5. Click into the comment box, and type "@" and the name of the person you want to mention. You can also type "@," and a list of users you are able to tag will appear.

  6. Enter a comment if necessary.
  7. Click the Send icon.
    Note: The person you mentioned will receive an email or notification with a link to your comment and a preview of the photo on which they were mentioned.