To create a submittal for a project using the project's Submittals tool.
In the construction industry, a submittal is written and/or physical information provided by subcontractors to the general contractor and then to the design team for approval of equipment, materials, etc. before they are fabricated and delivered to the project. Submittals can be presented in various formats, such as shop drawings, cut sheets on equipment and material samples. Submittals are required primarily for the architect and engineer to verify that the correct products and quantities will be installed on the project in compliance with the design documents/contract documents.
In Procore, a submittal manager is a person responsible for overseeing a submittal throughout its lifecycle. If you create a submittal and have 'Standard' or 'Admin' level permission to the Submittals tool, your name appears as the 'Submittal Manager' by default. However, users with 'Admin' level permission to the Submittals tool have the ability to assign the submittal manager role to any Procore user who has been granted 'Standard' or 'Admin' level permission to the Submittals tool (Note: Users with 'Standard' permission do not have permission to change the submittal manager). The 'Submittal Manager' field lets you change ownership of a submittal when the person who created a submittal (or that submittal's current manager) is no longer a member of the project team.
Although every company and project may have its specific process, it is common for the project manager or engineer to be responsible for acting as the submittal manager. First, the submittal manager will create the submittal. Next, the subcontractor provides the required documentation for the submittal. Then, when the required documentation is in place, the submittal is sent to the appropriate design team members for review and approval.
Users with Standard permission to the Submittals tool are limited to viewing the following fields when creating a new Submittal:
Title, Spec Section, Number & Revision, Submittal Type, Responsible Contractor, Received From, Final Due Date, Location, Linked Drawings, Distribution List, Ball in Court, Private, Description, Attachments
Title. The descriptive name that best summarizes the information in the submittal.
Spec Section. Denotes the corresponding section from the project's specifications book. See Where do the selections in the 'Specification Sections' drop-down list in the Submittals tool come from?
Number & Revision. The submittal number and its revision number. See How are submittals numbered in Procore?
Submittal Package. The submittal package that contains the submittal. In Procore, adding submittals to a package is optional. The decision to add submittals to a submittal package is based on your project's requirements, which is determined by your company's or project's management team. For instructions, see Create a Submittal Package.
Status. The current status of the submittal. Only a user with 'Admin' level permission to the Submittals tool can change a submittal's status. See What are the default submittal statuses in Procore? and What is a 'Draft' Submittal?
Responsible Contractor. The company name of the contractor/subcontractor that is responsible for completing the work specified on the submittal.
Received From. The contact for the responsible contractor who provided the submittal information to the project team.
Submit By. Select the date by which a contractor/subcontractor must submit all relevant documentation (i.e., documents, drawings, manuals, plans and so on) for the submittal to the project's design team for review.
Issue Date. The date the contractor/subcontractor submitted the submittal items (i.e., documents, plans and so on) to your project team for the review process.
Received Date. The date that the submittal information was received from the contractor/subcontractor responsible for the performing work associated with the submittal.
Final Due Date. The due date by which all approvers on the submittal workflow must submit a response.
Lead Time. The expected number of calendar days that will be required for the material/services for the submittal to arrive.
Required On-Site Date. The date by which materials related to the work detailed on the submittal must be delivered and available at the construction site.
Cost Code. The cost code for the submittal. Cost codes are managed in the 'Cost Code' segment in Procore's Work Breakdown Structure.
Submittal Manager. The name of the submittal manager. This is the person who is responsible for overseeing the submittal throughout its lifecycle in Procore. Each submittal can have a different submittal manager or your project team can configure a 'Default Submittal Manager' for all of your submittals. See What is the 'Submittal Manager' role?
Type. The information type associated with the submittal. The default type selections in Procore include: Document, Pay Request, Payroll, Plans, Prints, Product Information, Product Manual, Sample, Shop Drawing, Specification, and Other. See Create Custom Submittal Types.
Private. Indicates privacy settings for the submittal. When a submittal is marked 'Private', it is only visible to users with 'Admin' level permissions on the Submittals tool, users in the Submittal Workflow, and members of the submittal's Distribution List. Users with the 'View Private Submittals Associated to Users within Same Company' granular permission enabled on their permissions template can also view a submittal marked 'Private' if another user in their company is associated with the submittal. See Mark a Submittal as Private.
Location. The location at the job site for the submittal. This can be an existing location from the Location list or a tiered location. See Add Tiered Locations to a Project.
Linked Drawings. Renderings stored in the project's Drawings tool that are linked to the submittal. See Link Related Items on a Drawing.
Description. Informative details, notes and/or actions that describe the submittal.
Attachments. Attach any relevant files. You have these options:
Distribution List. The people who will receive email notifications from Procore as the submittal progresses through the submittal workflow. If your project team has created any distribution lists in the Project Directory, you can select those lists here. See Add a Distribution Group to the Procore Directory).
Submittal Schedule Calculations is an optional feature that you can enable. See Enable Submittal Schedule Calculations. When enabled, the Submittals tool will analyze your entries in the 'Required On-Site Date', 'Lead Time', 'Design Team Review Time', and 'Internal Review Time' fields to provide suggestions for the Submitter and Approver 'Due Date' on the submittal workflow. It also automatically populates the 'Planned Return Date', 'Planned Internal Review Completed Date', and 'Planned Submit By Date' fields.
Design Team Review Time. The number of days allotted for the design team's review on the submittal.
Lead Time. The expected number of calendar days that will be required for the material/services for the submittal to arrive.
Required On-Site Date. The date by which materials related to the work detailed on the submittal must be delivered and available at the construction site.
Internal Review Time. The number of calendar days that your project's design team requires to ensure the submittal is properly reviewed.
A user with 'Admin' level permission to your project's Submittals tool can create one (1) or more submittal workflow templates which you can then to a new submittal when you first create it. This saves data-entry time by preventing you from having to add a new submittal workflow each time you create a submittal.
When finished with the steps above, choose one of these options: