Link Items on a Drawing

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To link a sketch, inspection, RFI, observation, document, deficiency item, submittal, or correspondence item to a section of a drawing using Procore's Drawings tool.


When viewing project drawings, it can be helpful to add markups that link directly to another item in Procore (e.g. a sketch, RFI, document, submittal, deficiency item, observation, inspection, or correspondence item). Linking items on drawings allows users to easily access and reference related items from a computer or mobile device.

Things to Consider​


  1. Navigate to the project's Drawings tool.
  2. Click Open next to the drawing you want to mark up.
  3. Click the Markup icon. 

    markup in the toolbar
  4. Using the drawing markup toolbar, select one of the following markup tools:
    • Cloud/Box/Ellipse
    • Arrow/Line/Double Line
    • Text
  5. Draw or add the markup in the area of the drawing you want to link an item to.
    Note: You can change the color of the shape by clicking the colored circle in the toolbar and choosing a different color.
  6. Click the paperclip icon-link-item.png icon.
  7. Choose the tool you want to link an item from.
    Note: To link an item from a tool, the tool must be active in the project, and at least one item must already exist in the tool. See Create an RFICreate a SubmittalUpload Files into a FolderCreate a Project Level InspectionCreate an ObservationCreate a Coordination Issue, Upload a Drawing Sketch, and Create a Correspondence Item.
  8. Select the item you want to link to the drawing by searching by number or title. You can also double-click on the field to show a list of items.
    You can only link to a single item at a time. If you want to link to more than one item, click Link again. 
  9. After selecting the item, you can click on the markup to drag it to a different area of the drawing.
  10. Changes are saved automatically, so you can click out of the drawing when you are finished by clicking the x icon in the top right.

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