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Release Notes for 2019-11-04

iOS | Android | Windows | API | Imports | Drive | Sync

Construction Platform Release Notes

Below are notable changes for the Procore web application for the week ending Friday, November 1, 2019.

Core Tools

No notable changes.

Project Management

Coordination Issues
Quick Create Coordination Issues on a Model

For accounts using the Models tool, Procore has added the ability to quickly create coordination issues directly on a model when using the Models tool on the Procore iOS app. In addition to the coordination issues being visible from the model, the issues sync to both the Coordination Issues tool and the Procore plugin in Navisworks®. See Create Coordination Issues on a Model (iOS).

Ability to Upload Drawings with the Same Revision

Procore now allows a drawing with the same title and revision to be published to the project's Drawings log, as long as one if the following fields is unique: Drawing Revision Number, Set Name, Drawing Date, or Received Date. While having drawings with duplicate revisions in the project is not considered best practice, this allows users to enter the exact drawing information that was received when uploading and reviewing drawings. See Can I upload drawings with the same revision? 

Fill Out a Form and Add Attachments in Web Application

Users can now fill out a form in their web browser, excluding Internet Explorer 11. See Fill Out a Form. Users can also upload additional documents to a form and view the attachments in their web browser. Note: Attachments cannot be added to a form using Internet Explorer 11 but they can be viewed if they are added using a supported web browser or mobile device.

New Forms Configuration Setting

Users with 'Admin' level permissions on the Forms tool have the option to enable or disable the ability for users to replace a form PDF with a file from their computers. See Configure Advanced Settings: Forms.

Forms List View Updates

Users with permissions to edit a form (the form's creator or users with 'Admin' level permissions on the Forms tool) can perform inline edits for the form's 'Name' and 'Description' fields. The List view can also be grouped by the form template used or who created the form.

New Granular Permission to View Private Submittals Associated to Users within Same Company

Procore has added a new granular permission to allow users to view a submittal marked 'Private' if another user in their company is the submittal's creator or is designated as the Submittal Manager, a Submitter, an Approver, or a Distribution List member. See Grant Granular Permissions in a Permission Template.

Sidebar Removed from Company Timecard Tool

Procore has removed the sidebar from the Company level Timecard tool. You can now click on the Timecard Report from the 'Reports' drop-down menu.

Financial Management

No notable changes.

Resource Management

No notable changes.

App Marketplace

Visit the Procore App Marketplace: