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How can I use Procore's Toolbox Talk Sign-In PDF in my project's Forms tool?


Procore has created a new fillable PDF called Toolbox Talk Sign-In. This PDF can be used in your Procore projects by downloading the file below and uploading the file to the Company level Admin tool and then filling out the form in the Forms tool using Procore's web or mobile applications.


Step 1: Download the PDF

Click here to download the Toolbox Talk Sign-In file.

Step 2: Add the PDF to Procore

After downloading the PDF, see Create a Company Level Form Template OR click here to view the steps.  

  1. Navigate to the Company level Admin tool.
  2. Under 'Tool Settings', click Forms.
  3. Click New Form Template.
  4. Enter the following fields:
    • Name: Enter a name for the form. The template's name will be included on any form created from the template and will be searchable in the project's Forms tool.
    • Description: Optional: Enter a brief description that outlines the purpose, content and/or audience of this form.
    • Form PDF: Add a fillable PDF to use for the form template.
      • Click Attach File and select Upload a file from your computer or Select a file from Procore.
      • Drag and drop the fillable PDF from your computer into the gray box.
  5. Click Create.

Step 3: Complete the Form

Forms can also be filled out using Procore's iOS and Android mobile applications. See Fill out a Form (iOS) and Fill out a Form (Android).

See Fill Out a Form OR click here to view the steps.  

Fill Out a Form

  1. Navigate to the project's Forms tool.
  2. Click Fill Out Form and select the form template you want to use.
  3. Complete the form in your web browser.
    Replace the form with a file from your computer (if enabled). See Configure Advanced Settings: Forms.
    • Optional: Click the download icon and select Download Blank Form to download a blank copy of the form template.
    • Click the upload icon to replace the form template with a new PDF.
  4. Update the form's information in the fields under 'Form Info':
    Note: Click the icon-info.png icon to close or to open the 'Form Info' panel.
    • Name: This field is pre-filled with the name of the form template, but you can edit the name.
    • Description: Optional. Enter a description of the form.
    • Private: Mark this checkbox to only allow the form's creator and users with 'Admin' level permissions on the Forms tool to view this completed form.
      Note: The 'Form Info' is not included when a completed form is downloaded. See Download a Project Level Form.
    • AttachmentsOptional. Click Attach File(s) or drag-and-drop files from your computer.
  5. Click Create.