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Add Change Event Line Items


To add line items to a change event using the project's Change Events tool. 


There are three ways to add line items to a change event:

  • Manually add each line item
    This allows you to add line items one-by-one. 
  • Add line items in bulk using the 'Add Line Items for All Commitments' link
    This option creates a new line item on the change event for each line item on a commitment that is in the 'Approved' state. 
  • Import Line Items from a CSV File.

Things to Consider

  • Required User Permissions:
    • 'Standard' level permissions or higher on the project's Change Events tool.
  • Additional Information:
    • For companies using Procore's Project Financials and Resource Management tools, you can log changes to production quantities (for example, if the change event includes a production quantity change for additional drywall) on the Production Quantities tab. For details, see Record Changes to Production Quantities in a Change Event.


Did you know a user with 'Admin' settings on the Change Events tool can turn the Change Events tool's 'Column Display' settings ON and OFF? For best results, your project's column display settings should be determined at the beginning of a project. To learn more, see How do the Change Events tool's column display settings work?
  1. Navigate to the project's Change Events tool.
  2. Choose from these options:
    • Click the Detail tab. Then find the change event to update and click Edit.
    • Follow the steps in Create Change Events.
  3. In the 'Edit Change Event' page, scroll to the 'Line Items' card.
  4. Choose from these options:
    • To add one (1) new line item on the change event, click Add Line
    • To add line items in bulk using line items from all of the project's commitments in the 'Approved' status, click Add Lines for All Commitments
    • To import line items from a CSV file, see Import Change Event Line Items from a CSV File.
  5. Complete the line item data entry as follows:
  6. Click Update