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Change Events - Workflow Diagrams

Prime Contracts | Funding | Client Contracts

Prime Contracts

1-Tier | 2-Tier | 3-Tier

1-Tier Change Orders

2-Tier (Prime Contract) Change Orders

Optional Step
Optional Step
Create an RFQ?
Create an RFQ?
Create RFQs from a Change Event
Create RFQs from a Ch...
Do you want to grant access permissions to collaborators so they can enter their own quotes?
Do you want to grant access...

Submit a Quote as a Collaborator
Submit a Quote as a C...

Respond to an RFQ on Behalf of a Collaborator
Respond to an RFQ on Beh...
Is change in scope with original prime contract?
Is change in scope with o...

Create a Change Event 1
Create a Change Event...

Create a CCO from a Change Event
Create a CCO from a Ch...
Review RFQ Responses
Review RFQ Responses
General Contractor
General Contractor

Create a Prime Potential Change Order (Prime PCO)
Create a Prime Potenti...

Email a Potential Change Order
Email a Potential Chan...
Add PCOs to PCCO
Add PCOs to PCCO
Did the owner reply with an 'Approve' response to the PCO?
Did the owner reply with...

Approve or Reject CCOs
Approve or Reject CCOs

Create a Prime Contract Change Order (PCCO) 2
Create a Prime Contrac...

Approve or Reject PCCOs
Approve or Reject PCCO...
1Alternative ways to create a change event:

You can create change events from these Procore tools: Emails, Inspections, Meetings, Observations, T&M Tickets, and RFIs. You can also create change events from Procore for Android or Procore for iOS.
1Alternative ways to create a change even...
2Create a Prime Contract Change Order (PCCO):

If you want to create an owner invoice that automatically populates with approved Commitment Change Order (CCO) amounts that are included in a Prime Contract Change Order (PCCO), always create the PCCO prior to creating an owner invoice.
2Create a Prime Contract Change Order (PC...

Assign & Send an RFQ to a Collaborator
Assign & Send an RFQ t...

3-Tier (Prime Contract) Change Orders

Optional Step
Optional Step
Create an RFQ?
Create an RFQ?
Create RFQs from a Change Event
Create RFQs from a Ch...
Do you want to grant access permissions to collaborators so they can enter their own quotes?
Do you want to grant access...

Submit a Quote as a Collaborator
Submit a Quote as a C...

Respond to an RFQ on Behalf of a Collaborator
Respond to an RFQ on Beh...
Is change in scope with original prime contract?
Is change in scope with o...

Create a Change Event 1
Create a Change Event...
Create a CCO from a Change Event
Create a CCO from a Ch...
Review RFQ Responses
Review RFQ Responses
General Contractor
General Contractor

Create a Prime Potential Change Order (Prime PCO)
Create a Prime Potenti...

Create a Change Order Request(COR)
Create a Change Order...
Add 'Approved' CORs to PCCO
Add 'Approved' CORs to PCCO
Did the owner reply to COR email with an 'Approve' response?
Did the owner reply to CO...

Approve or Reject CCOs
Approve or Reject CCOs

Create a Prime Contract Change Order (PCCO) 2
Create a Prime Contrac...

Approve or Reject PCCOs
Approve or Reject PCCO...

Create a CCO from a Change Event
Create a CCO from a Ch...
1Alternative ways to create a change event:

You can create change events from these Procore tools: Emails, Inspections, Meetings, Observations, T&M Tickets, and RFIs. You can also create change events from Procore for Android or Procore for iOS.
1Alternative ways to create a change even...
2Create a Prime Contract Change Order (PCCO):

If you want to create an owner invoice that automatically populates with approved Commitment Change Order (CCO) amounts that are included in a Prime Contract Change Order (PCCO), always create the PCCO prior to creating an owner invoice.
2Create a Prime Contract Change Order (PC...

Assign & Send an RFQ to a Collaborator
Assign & Send an RFQ t...


1-Tier | 2-Tier | 3-Tier

1-Tier Funding Change Orders

2-Tier Funding Change Orders

3-Tier Funding Change Orders

Client Contracts

1-Tier | 2-Tier | 3-Tier

1-Tier Client Contract Change Orders

2-Tier Client Contract Change Orders

3-Tier Client Contract Change Orders