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Below are the notable changes to the Project level Inspections tool in 2019.

Inspections 'Due Date' Updates (24/10/2019)

Inspection 'Due Dates' have been added to PDF exports from the Inspections tool and can be added as a column in custom reports. Users designated as 'Assignees' on an inspection will receive automatic email notifications if an inspection they have been assigned to is overdue.

'Due Date' Added to Inspections (1/10/2019)

Users can now add a 'Due Date' to inspections to help ensure inspections are completed on time. See Create a Project Level Inspection.

'Inspector(s)' Field Name Changed to 'Assignee(s)' (17/9/2019)

The 'Inspector(s)' field within the Inspection Details section has been renamed to 'Assignee(s).' See Create a Project Level Inspection.

Added 'Date Closed' and 'Closed By' Fields (22/8/2019)

Users can now view the date an inspection was closed and the person who closed it. 'Date Closed' and 'Closed By' are also now available in the filters, list page, show page, list page exports and custom reports.

Added 'Trade' Option to Group By Menu (22/7/2019)

You can now group your inspections on the List tab of the Inspections tool by trade. To learn how, see Group Inspections on the List Page.

Inspections List Page Inline Editing  (2/7/2019) 

The Type, Status, Trade, Location and Inspection Date fields are now inline editable on the Inspections List page.

Inspections List Page Configurable Columns  (10/6/2019)

You can now customize the order and the width of the columns on the Inspections List page.

Redesigned Create Inspection Experience  (6/6/2019)

The Create Inspection functionality has been moved to the Inspection List page. The Create button on that page now contains a list of inspection templates, with the added functionality of searching the list.

Inspection Types Are Now Editable on Individual Inspections (29/5/2019)

Previously, you could only edit inspection types at the template level. Now, you can edit the inspection type directly within an individual inspection.

New Response Options for Inspections (17/5/2019)

Added Response options to the Inspections tool to include Number, Text and Date response formats. 

Removed Sidebar and Updated the Project Level Configuration Page (7/3/2019)

Updated the project's Inspections tool to remove the sidebar. Settings options have been moved above the template list.