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Release Notes for 2019-09-30

iOS | Android | Windows | API | Imports | Drive | Sync

Construction Platform Release Notes

Below are notable changes for the Procore web application for the week ending Friday, September 27, 2019.

Core Tools

No notable changes.

Project Management

Daily Log
Expanded Options in the Daily Log Calendar View

A new modal has been added to the Calendar view in the Daily Log tool. Entries can be created, edited, approved, or deleted from within the same window. See View and Manage Daily Logs in the Calendar View.

New Granular Permissions to Create Submittal Items and Packages

Procore has added new granular permissions for creating submittal items and submittal packages on the Submittals tool. See Grant Granular Permissions in a Permission Template.

Download All Attachments from Transmittal Email

Users can now download all files attached to a transmittal using the 'Download All' option in emails generated from the Transmittals tool.

Exporting Transmittals as PDFs with Attachments

When exporting a transmittal as a PDF, users can now choose to combine the cover sheet generated by Procore and other attachments from the transmittal into a single PDF. Users can rearrange these attachments so they are merged into the PDF in the order they specify, or combine the selected attachments into a ZIP file. See Export a Transmittal Letter to PDF.

Financial Management

No notable changes.

Resource Management

No notable changes.

App Marketplace

Visit the Procore App Marketplace: