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Release Notes for 2024-02-19

See Procore's Release Notes for:

iOS | Android | API | Imports | Extracts | Drive | VDC Plugin | Documents Plugin | Data Extract

Below are notable changes for the Procore web application for the week ending Friday, February 16, 2024.

Core Tools


Retry or Cancel when Merging Companies

Users merging companies can now cancel the merge, or retry the merge if they get an error. See Merge Companies.

New 'Additional Insured' Field for Companies

When adding insurance information for companies in your Directory, a new 'Additional Insured' field is available. Add a free-text entry about any additional insured entities for the Certificate of Insurance (COI). See Add Insurance to a Company Record in the Company Directory and Add Project Insurance to a Company Record in the Project Directory.

Financial Management


New Holds Tab in Payment Requirements

Updated the Company level Payments tool to add a new Holds tab to the Payment Requirements panel. This provides users with the appropriate permissions the ability to create, edit, and view holds on subcontractor invoices. To learn more, see View Payment Requirements.

App Marketplace

Visit the Procore App Marketplace: