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Merge Companies


To consolidate two or more individual vendor/company records into a single vendor/company record by merging the records.


If you have duplicate companies listed in the Company level Directory, you can merge the company records into a single record. When merging companies, you are asked to select a 'primary' company in which to merge the other company record(s). Upon merging, all items and users associated with the merged companies will be associated with the primary company.

Things to Consider

Merging companies is an action that cannot be undone. All information that you do not specify to keep will be permanently removed and is not recoverable.
  • Required User Permissions
  • The following company data attributes will be merged into the primary company upon merging, with the remaining data attributes will be that of the primary company upon merging (ex: email address, logo, change history):
  • tender comments and vendor star ratings
  • cost codes
  • insurance
  • trades
  • project history
  • Companies cannot be merged if two or more of the companies desired to be merged have been invited to tender within the same tender package on a project.
  • Vendors cannot be merged if the Lock Scheduled of Values and Contract Company setting is enabled, and the selected source vendor is linked to approved contracts. If you need to merge the company, you can uncheck the box, merge the companies, then re-enable the feature after the vendors have been merged. See Update the Tool Settings for Contracts.
  • When merging a local company and a connected company, the connected company must be be the 'primary' company. See What happens when companies and users are added from the Procore Construction Network to the Company Directory?
  • When a merge occurs, changes are tracked in the Change History of the primary company and in the Merge History.
  • For companies using the icon-erp-synced2.png ERP Integrations tool: Show/Hide  
    • Duplicate vendor/company must be consolidated (see Consolidate Duplicate Vendors in the Company Directory) or merged in Procore before your data is synced with an ERP-integrated system (e.g., Sage 300 CRE or QuickBooks). 
    • If your company has enabled the ERP Integrations tool for a third-party accounting system, the Company Merge subtab will prompt you to choose a Sage ID if one or more of the vendors selected for merging are synced with Sage. Merged vendors which are not selected as the primary vendor will be unlinked and archived in the ERP Vendors subtab. (Note: For example, if Vendor A and Vendor B are both linked with Sage when they are merged, and Vendor A is chosen as the primary vendor, Vendor B will then be unlinked from Sage and archived in the ERP Vendors subtab.)


  1. Navigate to the Company level Directory tool.
  2. Click the Configure Settings icons-settings-gear.png icon.
  3. Click Merge Companies.
  4. Review the instructions. 
  5. Click Begin Merging.
  6. Identify the companies you want to merge.
    • To change the sort order of the table, click a column header. The default sort order is in ascending alphabetical order by Company Name. 
    • To search for similar or duplicate company names, type your search criteria in the 'Search for Companies' box and click Search
    • To filter the list display show exact matches only, under Filter Companies, select one of the options in the 'Exact Match' drop-down menu:
      • Company Name
      • Address
      • Phone
      • Fax 
  7. Mark the checkboxes for the companies you want to merge.
    • If two or more companies have been linked to the same tender sheet, you cannot merge the company records.
    • You cannot merge two connected companies.
  8. Click Next Step.
  9. Select the 'Primary' company that the other record(s) will be merged into.
  • If merging a connected company, the connected company must be the primary company.
    • If merging a connected company with a company linked to your third-party ERP system, the connected company still must be the primary company. However, the ERP Vendor ID is maintained and is added to the merged record. Other Procore data, such as Commitments, attributed with the original ERP vendor record is merged as well.
  • If merging a company that is linked to your third-party ERP system, the link for the primary vendor will be saved and the other vendor(s) will be unlinked from the ERP system and then archived in the 'Vendors' tab of the ERP Integrations tool.
    Vendor A and Vendor B are both linked with an ERP system and you want to merge the records. If you specify Vendor A as the primary company, the information from Vendor B will be moved into Vendor A. Then the Vendor B record will be unlinked from ERP and archived in the Vendors subtab of the ERP Integrations tool. The record for Vendor B will also be permanently removed from the Company Directory.
  1. Select each value that you want to apply to the primary company.


  • Any data that is NOT selected will be permanently removed during the merge. However, if merging with a connected company, you can still view all the connected company's information on their Public Profile.
  • All users associated with the merging companies will be merged into the primary company. 
  1. Click Next Step.
  2. Add or edit any information for the primary company record.
  3. Click Merge
    • You can click Cancel if you want to cancel the merge.
    • During the merge, all of the companies involved in the merge are temporarily locked to prevent them from being used in another merge until the initial merge is complete. You can merge other companies while the initial merge is still in progress.

After 24 hours, if you see a Merge Error, click Retry to retry the merge, or Cancel. If you continue to get a merge error, contact support.

Note: If your error message references your ERP integration, fill out the support form for My ERP Integration.


See Also