Company Directory - User Permissions
Company Directory
What granular permissions are available for the Company level Directory tool?
A user who is granted 'Admin' level permissions on the Company level Directory tool is automatically granted 'Admin' permissions across all Project level and Company level tools.Action | None | Read Only | Standard | Admin | Notes |
Accept or Deny a User's Request to Join Your Company |
Add a Company to the Company Directory |
Add a Distribution Group to the Company Directory |
Add a User Account to the Company Directory |
Users with granular permissions have the following limitations:
Add an Existing User to Projects in Your Company's Procore Account |
Users with granular permissions can only add other users to projects that they have already been added to. |
Add Insurance for a Vendor in the Company Directory |
Allow Users to Create New Projects |
Assign a Company Permission Template to a User in the Company Directory |
Users with granular permissions have the following limitations:
Assign a Default Project Permissions Template to a User in the Company Directory |
Users with granular permissions can only assign users to assignable default project permissions templates. | ||
Assign a Project Permissions Template to a User in the Company Directory |
Users with granular permissions have the following limitations:
Change a User's Permissions to Company Tools in the Company Directory |
Users with granular permissions can only grant access to Company tools by assigning users to assignable company permissions templates. |
Change a User's Project Permissions Template in the Company Directory |
Users with granular permissions have the following limitations:
Configure Advanced Settings: Company Directory |
Customize the Column Display in the Directory Tool |
Deactivate a Company in the Company Directory |
Delete a Distribution Group from the Company Directory |
Designate an Insurance Manager for Your Procore Company |
Download a vCard for a User Account in the Company Directory |
Download a Company or User Import Template |
Edit a Company in the Company Directory |
Edit a Contact in the Company Directory |
Edit a Distribution Group in the Company Directory |
Edit a User Account in the Company Directory |
Users with granular permissions have the following limitations:
Export the Company Directory to CSV or PDF |
Inactivate a Batch of Companies in the Company Directory |
Inactivate a Batch of User Accounts in the Company Directory |
Inactivate a Contact in the Company Directory |
Inactivate a Company in the Company Directory |
Invite a Batch of Procore Users to Join a Company's Procore Account |
Invite or Re-invite a User to Procore |
Merge Companies |
Reactivate a Batch of Companies in the Company Directory |
Reactivate a Batch of User Accounts in the Company Directory |
Reactivate a Contact in the Company Directory |
Reactivate a Company in the Company Directory |
Reactivate a User in the Company Directory |
Refresh Tender Contacts for Connected Companies in the Company Directory |
Remove an Existing User from Projects in Your Company's Procore Account |
Users with granular permissions can only remove other users from projects that they are a part of. | ||
Remove Company Insurance |
Request Company and People Imports |
Respond to a 'Welcome to Procore' Email |
Search and Filter the Company Directory |
Send a Company or User Import Template to Procore |
Send a Procore Company to ERP Integrations for Accounting Acceptance |
Set Tenderer Information at the Company Level |
Switch Between Views in the Company Directory |
Update Expiring Insurance for a Vendor in the Company Directory |
View Company Details in the Company Level Directory Tool |
View Merge Company History |
View User Details in the Company Level Directory Tool |