Tender Board - Tutorials Last updated Save as PDF Search Tutorial Titles There are no items that match your search query. Overview Add a Tender Board Project to the Portfolio ToolAdd and Manage Internal Notes in a Tender Board ProjectAdd and Manage Tasks in a Tender Board ProjectApply a Template in the Tender Board ToolRespond to a Tender from the Tender Board Documents Delete Documents from a Tender Board ProjectDownload Documents from a Tender Board ProjectUpload Documents to a Tender Board Project Project Management Create a Project in the Tender BoardDelete a Project in the Tender BoardEdit Project Stages on the Tender BoardExport the Tender Board List ViewManage Tenders from the Tender BoardSearch for and Filter Projects on the Tender BoardSet a Tender Board Project as a TemplateView the Tender Board Settings Configure Settings: Tender Board Cost Catalog Add Items to a Cost Catalog from Estimating Takeoff Add Items to a Cost Catalog from EstimatingAdd TakeoffsConfigure Your View for TakeoffsCopy or Move a Group to Another EstimateManage Takeoff GroupsManage TakeoffsRun Auto Count TakeoffsRun Automated Area TakeoffsSet the Drawing Scale for Takeoffs Estimating Add Inclusions and Exclusions to EstimatesAdd Items to a Cost Catalog from EstimatingAdd a Change Order for an EstimateAdd an EstimateAssign a Budget Code in an Estimate in the Tender Board and Portfolio Planning ToolsConfigure Settings for an Estimate in the Estimating TabCopy a Group to Another ProjectCopy or Move a Group to Another EstimateCreate a Purchase Order from an EstimateEdit an EstimateManage Inclusion and Exclusion Libraries for EstimatesMerge EstimatesView an Estimate Tender Proposal Create and Edit Proposal TemplatesEdit a Proposal with the Proposal BuilderExport a ProposalGenerate a ProposalSubmit a Tender Proposal