Create an Inspection Schedule
To schedule an inspection to be performed in the future.
Inspections can often be planned for, and in some cases, occur on a regular basis. When scheduling inspections, you can create recurring schedules of an existing Inspection Project Template. You can also schedule a single instance of an inspection for a date in the future.
Things to Consider
- Required User Permissions:
- 'Admin' level permissions on the Project level Inspections tool.
OR - 'Read Only' level permissions or higher on the Inspections tool with the 'Create/Edit Inspection Schedules' granular permissions. See Grant Granular Permissions in a Project Permissions Template.
Note: 'Read Only' and 'Standard' level users will not be able to schedule an inspection until a Company level inspection template is added to the project.
- 'Admin' level permissions on the Project level Inspections tool.
- Additional Information:
- Schedules are grouped by template.
- You can define the number of days before the due date that they want the inspection instance to be created.
- Inspection due dates respect Working Days if they are configured.
- Edits to Type, Trade, and Description must be made in the Inspection Template.
- To create an inspection schedules for equipment, you must first configure the following settings:
- The Equipment tool must be enabled for your project. See Add and Remove Project Tools.
- Equipment records must be added to your project. See Add or Remove Equipment from Projects.
- Equipment must be enabled on your configurable fieldset for inspections. See Edit Configurable Fieldsets.
- Navigate to the Project level Inspections tool.
- Click + Create.
Note: If your company does not yet have Company level inspection templates set up, you will first need to create an inspection template before this button will be active.
- Select Inspection Schedule.
- Select a default inspection template from your list of templates from the drop-down menu.
Note: You cannot use a template that you have not yet added to your project. See Add an Inspection Template to Your Project. - Enter the Schedule Information:
- Name: The inspection schedule's name.
- Frequency: How often you want the schedule to be created.
Note: The 'Monthly' option will set the frequency to occur on the same day of each month, for example, the second Tuesday. - First Inspection Due Date: The due date of the first inspection.
- Days Created Before Due Date: How many days before an inspection's due date to create the inspection.
- End By: The date after which no more inspections should be created.
Note: This option only appears for frequencies other than 'Once'.
- Fill out the fields that are specific to your project:
- Name: The inspection's name is set in the Company level template and cannot be edited at the Project level. Reference the number, location or date on the log page to differentiate your inspections.
- Status: By default, the status field will be set to 'Open'. You can change this to fit your needs.
Note: An inspection's status should be set to 'Open' when someone begins performing the inspection. It should remain open until there are no more deficient items on the inspection. At this point, you should change the status to 'Closed' to indicate that no further action is needed. - Location: Use the location drop-down menu to select a location the inspection impacts. Either select from the predefined locations or Add a Multi-tiered Location to an Item. This location may be as general as the site location at the first tier or as specific as to where on the site the contractor will be working at the second tier.
- Distribution: Add 'Standard' and 'Read Only' users to the distribution list to give them access to view a private inspection in the project.
Note: This will not send email notifications. - Private: Mark the checkbox next to Private to hide the inspection from anyone except for the 'Point of Contact', 'Assignee(s)', members added to the inspection's distribution list and 'Admin' level users on the project's Inspections tool.
- Spec Section: Reference the specific contract documents or section of the specification book that's related to the inspection by choosing from the drop-down menu.
Note: If the Specifications tool is enabled on the project, the selections in this menu are populated with the spec sections from that tool, and it will display as a link upon saving the inspection. If the Specifications tool is disabled on the project, the selections in this menu are populated with values from the project's Admin tool.
Note: Click the X next to the item you selected to delete the field. - Assignee(s): Select the people who are performing the inspection. By default, Procore will populate this with the creator's name.
- Responsible Contractor: Select the company that performed the work to be inspected. If you selected a point of contact before this, you will only be able to choose from the contractor that point of contact is associated with.
Note: If you do not have any contracting companies added to your Directory, the 'Point of Contact' drop-down menu will appear empty. You will need to go into your Project level Directory to add a contractor and associate a contact with it before you can add in this field.
Note: Click the X next to the item you selected to delete the field. - Point of Contact: Select the person from the point of contact's group who performed the work to be inspected. If you selected a 'Responsible Contractor' before this, you will only be able to choose the company the point of contact is associated with.
Note: If you have a contractor added to your Directory that doesn't have a contact associated with it, the 'Point of Contact' drop-down menu will appear empty. You will need to go into your Project level Directory to associate a contact with your responsible contracting company before you can add in this field. Only users with 'Standard' level permissions or above on the Observation tool may be listed as the Inspection's 'Point of Contact'.
Note: Click the X next to the item you selected to delete the field. - Equipment: Use the location drop-down menu to select a location the inspection impacts. For setup, see Add an Equipment Record to the Project Equipment Tool.
- Attachments: Attach any relevant files from your computer, the project's Photos tool, the project's Drawings tool, the project's Forms tool, or the Project level Documents tool to your inspection for those performing the inspection can reference.
Note: See Add a Photo to an Inspection so that it Populates in the Photos Tool.
- Click Create.
- Optional: Under Inspection Items Preview, review the inspection items and their response options.
- Click Create.